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Munich 70 years on

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so,dissarm israel...who knows,it may even bring about a peace treaty,after all,the israelies are protected by america and other countries so they would keep a close eye on things,the arab nations would feel more comfortable and possibly settle down

Disarming Israel won't bring any kind of peace treaty. It will bring about the end of Israel itself. But than again, that is what would make all your Christmases come all at once.

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If Israel were to vanish tomorrow, how many gallons of Bollinger (or Carling) would you down?


None, but I'd be absolutely delighted if a peace was established whereby Israel gave up it's illegally acquired territories.

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yeah right. I can tell you've never set foot in Israel, Had you done so, then you would know that there's quite often no way to tell Jews apart from Arabs just by looking at them


Yes thanks for that, they will be the Sephardic Jews, won't they? The proper 'Semitic' ones. The ones from the Middle East. They are in the minority, as they're vastly outnumbered by the decidedly non-Semetic Ashkenazi 'Jews'.


I'm more interested in the Asiatic Mongol looking ones - the ones who have squinty eyelids, like Rosanne Barr.


As I said earlier, they're about as Semitic as Genghis Khan. So when I hear of them arriving in 'Israel' then openly calling upon their government to forcibly expel Palestinians from the lands where Palestinians have lived for hundreds of years, I can't help but think: "What is the Yiddish word for chutzpah?

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Disarming Israel won't bring any kind of peace treaty. It will bring about the end of Israel itself. But than again, that is what would make all your Christmases come all at once.
ok,if thats what you like, now do you feel better ? you need help, you proffess to be a lover of israel but how can you hate with such a vengance after what happened to the jews in the last war,? remember their creed ? " never again"? you certainly dont abide by it do you ? because you would wish the exact same thing on others wouldnt you ? look in the mirror,see what people despise,its not the jew,its the people like you that are causing the conflict,sad little people with hatred in their heart and sick minds
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ok,if thats what you like, now do you feel better ? you need help, you proffess to be a lover of israel but how can you hate with such a vengance after what happened to the jews in the last war,?

It puzzzles me too, that one.

remember their creed ? " never again"? you certainly dont abide by it do you ? because you would wish the exact same thing on others wouldnt you ?

Sadly I think you're correct, Depoix. This is the guy that spoke on here about wanting to launch a nuclear attack on iran and 'glass the desert'

look in the mirror,see what people despise,its not the jew,its the people like you that are causing the conflict,sad little people with hatred in their heart and sick minds

Yep. It's the haters that we need to look out for.

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ok,if thats what you like, now do you feel better ? you need help, you proffess to be a lover of israel but how can you hate with such a vengance after what happened to the jews in the last war,? remember their creed ? " never again"? you certainly dont abide by it do you ? because you would wish the exact same thing on others wouldnt you ? look in the mirror,see what people despise,its not the jew,its the people like you that are causing the conflict,sad little people with hatred in their heart and sick minds

I hated what happened to the Jews in the last war. That is one of several reasons why I stand up for Israel, in sharp contrast to yourself.

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I hated what happened to the Jews in the last war. That is one of several reasons why I stand up for Israel, in sharp contrast to yourself.


You sure do.


Even when Israel attacks British and American interests resulting in the deaths of our soldiers and our civilians, you'll still be an apologist for their crimes.

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You sure do.


Even when Israel attacks British and American interests resulting in the deaths of our soldiers and our civilians, you'll still be an apologist for their crimes.


And you are an apologist when Islamists murder 3,000 innocents on 9/11, 202 in Bali, 350 in Beslan, 191 in Madrid, 200 in Mumbai, 52 in London, and carry out almost 12,000 terrorist atrocities since 9/11 alone, not to mention thousands before that heinous date. But then they're only the exotic 'other' who can't help it so we should let them be, according to the likes of your patronising self.

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I hated what happened to the Jews in the last war. That is one of several reasons why I stand up for Israel, in sharp contrast to yourself.


You appear to be unable to distinguish between Jewish people and the state of Israel.


The Jewish people were subject to the Holocaust - one of the most appalling crimes in history.


The state of Israel is perpetrating appalling crimes against inernational law and the Palestinian people.


I can acknowledge both of these things without believing that Jewish people and Iraeli state are the same entity, why can't you?

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And you are an apologist when Islamists murder 3,000 innocents on 9/11, 202 in Bali, 350 in Beslan, 191 in Madrid, 200 in Mumbai, 52 in London, and carry out almost 12,000 terrorist atrocities since 9/11 alone, not to mention thousands before that heinous date.


Please point out where I said such a thing.

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