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Munich 70 years on

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Please point out where I said such a thing.


Waste of time asking him Jason. Favourite tactic of his. Accuses you of believing/supporting 'X' because you express dissaproval of 'Y'.


As debating tactics go it's a p*ss-poor excuse for not having a convincing standpoint.

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I hated what happened to the Jews in the last war. That is one of several reasons why I stand up for Israel, in sharp contrast to yourself.

if you feel so strongly about it why not go over there and enlist,i had a mate who was a mercenary for israel back in the 70's,you can slag me off if you want,it wont alter the truth will it ? it's all there in the history books,if i was a police profiler i think i would tag you, you are ,shall we say,a little over zealous to be classed as normal your paranoia could end up causing you some grief if the anti terrorist squad ever took an interest in you..

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You appear to be unable to distinguish between Jewish people and the state of Israel.


The Jewish people were subject to the Holocaust - one of the most appalling crimes in history.


The state of Israel is perpetrating appalling crimes against inernational law and the Palestinian people.


I can acknowledge both of these things without believing that Jewish people and Iraeli state are the same entity, why can't you?

The Israelis are acting in self defence, but then again, in the warped minds of the leftists, acting in self defence is breaking international law. Of course, they've nothing to say about the actions of the Russians, the Chinese or the Janjaweed. But should we be surprised, because they are tinpot ragamuffin anarchists who side with anyone who wishes to bring about the end of the West.

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if you feel so strongly about it why not go over there and enlist,i had a mate who was a mercenary for israel back in the 70's,you can slag me off if you want,it wont alter the truth will it ? it's all there in the history books,if i was a police profiler i think i would tag you, you are ,shall we say,a little over zealous to be classed as normal your paranoia could end up causing you some grief if the anti terrorist squad ever took an interest in you..

And look whose talking about the issue of paranoia. Depoix now wants the anti-terrorist squad to crack down hard on those who happen to have a different viewpoint to his. Just as well the shopkeeper will be coming into your cubicle soon.

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And look whose talking about the issue of paranoia. Depoix now wants the anti-terrorist squad to crack down hard on those who happen to have a different viewpoint to his. Just as well the shopkeeper will be coming into your cubicle soon.
come on now firecracker, stop twisting things and posting in riddles,when it comes right down to it you dont even believe in israels constitution do you,? better men than us wrote it,but you want to dissagree with it ,they promised equality to all, you dont want that do you ? have a look,sit back and see what the original israelies wanted, what they ended up with was because of people like you



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The Israelis are acting in self defence, but then again, in the warped minds of the leftists, acting in self defence is breaking international law.


So what do you call blowing up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, resulting in the deaths of dozens of British soldiers? Self defence?


And the attack on the USS Liberty, resulting in the deaths of American soldiers? Self defence?


And the Lavon Affair, where the Israelis wanted to blow up American interests and have the world blame the Arabs? Self defence?


Once again, you're proved yourself to be a terrorist sympathiser; the very thing you claim to hate.

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If Israel disarms, it will be wiped off the map by invading Arabs.



If Hezbollah and the other anti-Israeli groups disarm, there will be peace.


Your call.

On what grounds do you make this bizarre claim? Hezbollah formed in response to Israel's invasion and occupation of much of the Lebanon in 1982, Hezbollah (nutters that they are) is a reaction to Israeli aggression.


Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian militant groups formed in reaction and opposition to Israel's invasion, occupation and ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


They and associated groups are a reaction to Israel's long-standing policy of territorial expansion through military aggression, so long as that policy continues and for example Israel continues to ethnically cleanse areas of the West Bank to 'settle' them there will never be peace.

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What occupation of Palestinian lands?


Are you joking? The one ruled illegal by the UN Security Council, The EU, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.


I'm sure the Israelis wish the so-called Palestinians were only armed with stones.


I'm sure they do. It certainly makes them easier to shoot! Like this nine year old, this ten year old or this sixteen year old.


All armed with nothing but stones.


As for 'peace', it seems your definition of peace is the end of Israel and the sending of its population to the gas chambers.


I don't see it myself, but if you say so. Do B'Tselem and Jews for Justice for Palestinians also see peace in this way I wonder?


There are actually plenty of Jews who support ending the occupation.


Israel is failing badly on more than one count, far from being a Jewish state, only 40% of Jews live there! The other 60% are presumably very happy to live in the diaspora. It's not surprising that most don't want to live in Israel and support such horriffic oppression, the likes of which have not been seen since Aparthied South Africa.

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This thread is a great example of why there isn't any peace in the region. It's one long list of "it's all your fault" and "no it's all your fault" crap. Grow up for crying out loud. They're equally as bad as each other and none of them have any legitimate excuse for the way they act.


Saying everything would be fine if one of the side would just stop/end/remove *insert grievance here* is nonsense. Both side are equally responsible for the situation they are in and both sides have done everything possible to keep this idiocy going for generations yet. Nothing will change there until they stop acting like children and negotiate a compromise peace. Firing bullets and rockets back and forth at each other is not fighting against the oppressors or defending against terrorism. It's simply a continuation of the cycle of death their pride, honor and stupidity has forced on both of their peoples.

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The Israelis are acting in self defence,

So Israelis ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in 1947/48 in self defence did they?


So the Israeli's invaded the Gaza Strip and Egypt in 1956 as part of a secret plot with France and the UK in 'self defence' did it?


So Israel invaded and and occupied the West Bank, Gaza strip, Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights in 1967 in 'self defence' did it?


I suppose the ongoing policies of apartheid and ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories are also 'self defence' are they?

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