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Woman Hurt as Cellphone Bursts Into Flames

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A 33-year-old Dutch woman sustained slight face and neck burns after her mobile phone burst into flames, the Amsterdam police said Thursday. A Nokia spokesman in Helsinki said similar incidents have happened in the past and were always related to faulty batteries from independent electronics manufacturers.

- Reuters


So beware... :o

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Originally posted by Party Boy

Sorry but it's a cell phone - as in it will only work if you are within the coverage area of one of the cells. Sorry to be pedantic :lol:


I'd guess the point that DB is making is that we in the UK call them mobile 'phones and the Americans call them cell 'phones. We have enough creeping Americanisation in this country without adopting their terms for everyday things. It may be trivial but before you know it we'll be using words like faucet and diaper so let's hang on to our own terms for as long as possible, OK?

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Originally posted by maxt

I'd guess the point that DB is making is that we in the UK call them mobile 'phones and the Americans call them cell 'phones. We have enough creeping Americanisation in this country without adopting their terms for everyday things. It may be trivial but before you know it we'll be using words like faucet and diaper so let's hang on to our own terms for as long as possible, OK?

Yeah thats the point I was making.... goes over some peoples head I reckon:P

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

It's a 'mobile' phone! Only the Yanks have Cell Phones.

A guy at work once phoned one of our sales reps in the US on their "cell" phone. The conversation went something like this...


UK person: "Are you in prison?"

US person: "No. Why?"

UK person: "Because it says this is your cell phone!"

US person: "What?"

UK person: "Have you got a phone in your prison cell...?!"

US person: "I'm not in prison!"

UK person: "How come you've got a cell phone then?"




Americans just don't get it, do they? :lol:

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Wow, Sorry if I have become too Americanized for y'all.

I must have been away too long.

Cell phone vs Mobile phone, it's all the same.


And if we are going to be picky about this conversation; just for your information DB there are no Yanks down here in the south. Yanks only live up north above the Mason Dixon Line.


Maybe a moderator should review my postings and translate everything into Yorkshire slang so you can understand me. I'd hate to offend anyone with my americanisms.


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