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Strada, Leopold Sq


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You can only find a restaurant good if you have posted a lot on this forum? What kind of twisted logic is that?!


I generally don't visit on my own, hence I used 'our' service. Then I said when 'I' visit as I don't always go with the same person. Why are you picking up on something so stupid and irrelevant?


There's nothing wrong with your negative comments or my positive ones as they can only reflect our personal experiences.

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Well, for me, I normally do judge a restaurant by its food, which is foremost the important one on my list, and then the service.


I like Strada. I know that it is a chain, but I find that it is a better choice for Sheffield's market, than Piccolino. Piccolino is a little bit pricier for what it is as well. They are changing the menu a little bit, and I found it disappointing. I think the Sheffield crowd is a very tough crowd to please. As we don't want to pay too much, but then do want a high standard as well. (Which I do like this kind of mentality.) It should really drive the dining industry to offer something much much better in reality.


I do agree with the food better than the service in Strada. I still recall going in there once before for an evening meal, and found that it was nice fresh food served before me. What is that about in Sheffield ? ;)


I would say it is better food than Antibo used to be.

Not as good as Piccolino for its service.

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Anyone can find a restaurant good.


I'm just suspicious of people who feel the need to register just to say that a restaurant is good.


You may notice that I registered in January 2008, a year ago.


I still don't understand why it would be suspicious to register for that purpose though.


Please don't feel the need to respond to this, I don't want this to go on any further.


P.s. Good comments Bago!

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Please don't respond. Is that like saying "I'd like the last word please".


You did register quite some time ago, I hadn't noticed. Which does make it less suspicious I agree.

But you can't see why I'd be suspicious of new members joining just to post about how good a restaurant was (one that was being heavily criticised). You can't see why staff or managers or owners might feel tempted to do that?

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Isn't this fun! - like that bit in Ulysses, where Bloom suffers the windy prejudice of The Citizen who claims to speak for the nation! And all over a bit of pizza!


This being my second post, I claim - by the logic of deductive reasoning proffered hereabouts - a 100% increase in veracity and sincerity over my previous, and primary, posting. The more I post, the more my meal might escape the status of the merely propagandistic. If I have to do it again, I'm going to sell that bloody restaurant!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We went there on Wednesday. Food is nice enough, but the service was terrible. It took them 3 hours to serve us 3 courses - we were kept waiting AGES between courses. They'd also run out of several things on the menu. One person from our table said he had the same experience with slow service a fortnight ago...and his main course arrived cold! I've always recommended Strada but now I am starting to worry...

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  • 1 month later...

Went on Tues night. I thought they were ace. Food was nice enough and they gave us a great area. I thought they did really well serving 28 people and although it wasn't fast, that wasn't a problem and the food was really nice - at no point did we feel like we were getting hurried out.

Definitely recommend for a large party and i will go back there again in smaller ones.

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  • 1 year later...

Just ate here last night. Had to send my meal back. It has still not improved from the last time I was there. Waiting staff were lovely, but food very average, and hardly plentiful. Anyway, when we got the bill we saw they add a 10% service charge. When asked, they said that if we leave our tip in this way, they will not see a penny of the tip. PLEASE refuse to pay the tip on the bill if you pay by card, and want to see your money go to the waiting staff. We had them deduct the 10%, and we left cash instead. They were well chuffed.

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