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Miserable residents in killamarsh getting pubs shut down

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i dont spend 80pound wen i go out,wot planet r u on,if its a pub it a night out werever it is and i dont make a noise,done all that town thing years ago,freedom of choice.




Remember you have a choice when going on a booze up, you can stay in a residential area, or you can go to a location that is designed for nights out. YOu have a freedom of choice.


If you chose to get drunk and the local and noise, the residents don't have a choice, so where is their freedom of choice?

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it means i disagree,it just feels like im bangin my head against a brick wall,i suppose most of u replying to my posts never go out drinking.:sad:


You are not banging your head against a brick wall. You posited an argument that people who complain about noise from a pub are miserable. Others disagree, it's an argument with 2 sides and you are unlikely to get everyone agreeing with one side or the other.


If I go to my local pub I don't expect loud music which can be heard outside the pub, inside OK but not if it disturbs other people.


I think the problem now is that a pub will cater for one type of clientele at the expense of others. The Princess Royal in Crookes used to cater for several generations of punters. The youth were hardly likely to kick off when their grandparents were sat in the next room.

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Remember you have a choice when going on a booze up, you can stay in a residential area, or you can go to a location that is designed for nights out. YOu have a freedom of choice.


If you chose to get drunk and the local and noise, the residents don't have a choice, so where is their freedom of choice?


move house...

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it means i disagree,it just feels like im bangin my head against a brick wall,i suppose most of u replying to my posts never go out drinking.:sad:


I live no where near any of the pubs in question.

So why do i have to suffer drunks and idiots who can't handle 4 pints crawling home from the Junior making a noise and arguing etc? Every weekend.

It didn't happen when i moved here so why should i have to put up with it now.

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Think its a 50 -50 here. but pubs are getting worse for the drunks and that is because of the younger generation. they don't go out for a good night anymore. they go out to get hammered.


i dont spend 80pound wen i go out,wot planet r u on,if its a pub it a night out werever it is and i dont make a noise,done all that town thing years ago,freedom of choice.


are you sure you in your 40's? you write like a teenager. :D

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move house...




MOve house? where too? why should I move house, as well as probably many familys with babys?


Even if we did move house where would we move too? as it seems ever more unacceptable to expect a peace and quiet at night.


I'm sorry if I sound Like I'm from the early 90s. like I say, I don't go boozing like I used too, but what I don't understand is why anyone late teens, early 20s would want a boozy night out in the local :huh::loopy: for god sake, the local is where your dad went for his Friday night pint, so why the hell would any young person wish to go to the kind of pub his dad goes to? :huh::loopy:


In my day (I'm 33), you went up town simply because thats where all the talent was (the opposite sex), plus thats where all the decent bars were.........THE locals were the places where the the crusty old farts went.


Not only that but the local shut at 11pm, not much use when your wanting a good drinking sesh. To me the new licensing laws mean the younger generation are staying local (for obvious finacial reasons) and the locals are the ones suffering.


Its all about repecting others, as you say, putting empty beer bottles outside peoples property is not really showing respect. If people are like that they can hardly be the type to keep the noise down.


Spend your £15 on a taxi, have your drinking session in town and allow the locals to have peace and quiet. You mention Freedom of choice, what choice do the locals have who have to suffer the drunken behaviour?

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Admittedly I don't know either you or the area, but I gotta say, Mobilenats, that you're coming across as the "miserable" one here. If you really are in your 40s, well I think it's time you grew up - I hope when I reach your age that I manage to function more successfully as part of my community than you appear to. If you don't think your local area is suited to your needs, move! - twould make far more sense than suggesting that everyone else up sticks and leaves!

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Admittedly I don't know either you or the area, but I gotta say, Mobilenats, that you're coming across as the "miserable" one here. If you really are in your 40s, well I think it's time you grew up - I hope when I reach your age that I manage to function more successfully as part of my community than you appear to. If you don't think your local area is suited to your needs, move! - twould make far more sense than suggesting that everyone else up sticks and leaves!



I fully concur. I am sick to death of folk with ASBOs blaming the folk who's lives they have made a misery. The folk who are evicted from council houses as trouble makers always blame everyone else. Perhaps the OP should simply look at life from everyone elses point of view. There are thousands of folk who enjoyed going to the pub for a drink who have been denied the chance because af a thoughtless and probably mindless few. They spoil the area for everyone.


Magistrates do not close a pub without giving it every chance to change. There are 2 reasons why a landlord loses his licence.


1 He keeps a rowdy house and fails to clamp down on the disruptive element

2 The landlord is part of the rowdy and disruptive element.

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