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Alf Golds' Dancing, City Centre 1950s


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Positive memories of Alfred Gold's. I went there in 1964, half-a-crown a session, I think; first half of evening consisted of learning some steps, second half of evening practising, with a pupil of the opposite sex. The first session I 'danced' with a girl who I immediately got on with, after the second Friday we arranged a date for the following evening (film Summer Holiday, I knew how to treat a young lady!), and in less than 2 years we celebrate our golden wedding. We owe Alfred Gold a huge debt of gratitude. Oh, and I never did learn to dance, but some things are just more important.

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I am really enjoying finding this site. Only just joined early 2018. Three mates, John, Jeff, me Steve. Started to go to Alf Golds dancing classes overlooking the Peace Gardens. Not sure what the motive was at 14 years old but maybe we were just trying to be trendy. Tickles me when Craig Revel Horewood?? says Cha Cha Cha Darling, as we learned it in 1963.

I suppose grappling with a 17 year old female partner at that time had its merits, but it wasn't until later life the benefits of ballroom was useful. Any bloke who just shuffled around was no match for my quick step in an excuse me.

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My friend and I used to frequent the 'Teenage Tavern' which was Marsdens Coffee Bar as far as I remember. Possibly one of the most embarrassing times of my life was when my parents, together with some friends descended down the stairs to where we were innocently drinking coffee and listening to the juke box. They'd decided to see what we were up to, which wasn't much I can tell you!!What they would have done if we'd been patrons of the 'El Mambo' which wasn't actually as notorious as people made out. My father warned me what would happen to girls who went there, and I'm still waiting to find out!!!

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