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Sheffield's nightclubs - do you remember...?

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I remember the Cavendish or Baileys. I was only 15 in 1967 but did manage to get in there not long after that. Had my engagement party in there in 1971. Not a night to forget because I was wearing a white one piece suit and managed throw lager and black down my front.


Can't remember any of the acts that were on, all a blur now.


Also remember the Top Rank (I think it was anyway) where we used to stand up on the balcony and pick out the lads we fancied.


Happy days

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  • 7 months later...

I remember going to the mojo when i was underage. Just remember it being black walls covered in psychedelia, absolutely packed and lots of really sweaty bodies!! Would go round to my mates who was 2yrs older than me, turn my skirt over at the waistband and she would put black stuff on my eyes and white stuff on my lips and off we would go.

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I did my 16 to 20 year old bit from 80-84. I hate night clubs and preferred The Wap and The Penguin to be honest but when forced out with my New Romantic/Mod/Disco mates it'd invariably be Romeo & Juliets or Steeleys.. the only short we could stomach at the time was Pernod and Black and we'd end up looking like Jack Nicholson as the Joker with our blackcurrant tashes LOL

I wonder why we never got birds?

I just remember R&Js with the thumping 'Sheffield Sound' of Human League or whatever and everyone in burgundy leather box jackets and thin ties.. Midge Ure moustaches.. BIG hair LOL

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Originally posted by mowith

Does anyone remember going to the night club at the Wednesday ground in the 70s.


Met my husband in there who is one of the keenest Blades fans you'll ever meet. He still says Wednesday have a lot to answer for!


i used to live very near teh hillsboro ground, near the fivearches bridge.


I was/ am a blade, and am almost embarassed to admit to clubbing at hillsboro' in the early eighties.

it was called "Christies" then, and the reason I liked it, was because it was only a short, drunken stagger, home, after a skinful (chuckles!)


I Also rememebr the locarno/ tiffany's/ vicars/ bed, from the 70's.


It started out as a cinema: the Locarno/ lansdowne Picture palace. ( it was known by both names, I cannot remember which came first)

then it was a dance hall, IIRC,

the nightclub incarnation was as follows:-

the locarno dance hall

tiffanys night club (and treetops, upstairs, as someone also mentioned earlier)



then it discovered that ugly black paint, and the indie scene and was reincarnated as "BED".


Mr PT talks about his misspent youth in the 70's, and recalls the nightclub that was/is varously known as:-

cavendish/baileys/ romeoand juliets/ cairojax and silks/ jobcentre.


he recalls seeing various bands/ artistes there. He particularly remembers seeing Roy Orbison, and the band Mungo Jerry both appearing within about a couple of weeks of each other.


He says that Orbison was absolutely rubbish, he came on, late, performed in a mediocre fashion, did about four songs, and then left the stage, refusing to do any encores, or sign any autographs. He left many, including Mr PT extremely disillusioned, and disappointed.


Shortly afer this appearance by "The Big O", Mungo Jerry, the band appeared there.


they were totally different in their attitude. they went on stage, played their hearts out, gave a wonderful performance, signed as many autographs as were asked for, and even sat with the audience members and had a pint, both during the interval, and after their "gig" had finished!



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I joined the cavendish in 1967, after the Locarno closed for refurbishment ,to re-open as Tiffany's,It had a casino and the Latino Lounge which hosted up and coming acts, then there was the go-go room ( a small disco) happy days. I saw the Love Affair,LesDawson,Marmalade, and does anyone remember Tiny Tim?

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Where was New Faces? I can't remember that one,


I can remember Genevieves, in Charter Square, and Mona Lisas, which was next door


there was that nightclub, next door to what is now Berlins (formerly the Hoffenbrau Bier Keller/ "Dingwalls' Rythm and Booze") which is now called the Club Uropa, I forget its name, back when.... can anyone enighten me?


the Limit, the "Crazy Daizy", Sinatra's.....


and as for the "Poxy Roxy" (shudders!) ugh, what a hole that was, especially on a thursday, which was "Grab a Granny Night" sorry, I meant "over 25's night"...


I was not keen on "dollars", and I detested Josephines, in Barkers pool (for reasons of my own)


I used to "do" nights out at Christies, (at hillsborough football ground), and the Executive suite, at Sheffield United's ground.


I remember the nightclub above the Silver-Blades Ice Rink, but I remember it as "Stars" (I cannot remember what it is called now..)


I also remember the "14-18 yr old's" nights, on a monday night, (IIRC) at Tiffany's, as it was known then, and the gang of we schoolfriends all walking back home along London Road/ Abbeydale Road late at night, barefoot, wondering whether we'd manage to get up for school the next morning!


Ahh, memories!!



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there was that nightclub, next door to what is now Berlins (formerly the Hoffenbrau Bier Keller/ "Dingwalls' Rythm and Booze") which is now called the Club Uropa, I forget its name, back when.... can anyone enighten me?


P T, that was called the Penny Farthing later to be changed to Scamps, we used to drink there after filling up in the Hofbrau......funny but it always seemed to be full of the local footballers at that time, even on a friday night prematch but it never seemed to affect em on a Saturday, or perhaps they would have been even better without 8 pints swilling round inside of em.

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Originally posted by Plain Talker

Where was New Faces? I can't remember that one,



There was a club called FACES on CHarles street, which became a restaurant in the 80's with the UNDERGROUND bar downstairs, then changed to YORKS, and now CHARLES STREET club.

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