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Rude Germans. What is wrong with these people?

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3 minutes ago, Mkapaka said:

Yes I’m sure the current incumbents of the 4th largest economy in the world are really perturbed by our car crash of a country.

oh get a sense of humour man

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11 minutes ago, Mkapaka said:

Yes I’m sure the current incumbents of the 4th largest economy in the world are really perturbed by our car crash of a country.

also not according to Reuters???

Long-term structural problems surrounding Germany's workforce and infrastructure also remain unresolved. The International Monetary Fund predicts Germany will be the only G7 economy that shrank in 2023 and at 0.9%, growth is expected to remain well below the average of 1.4% for advanced economies in 2024.8 Jan 2024



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8 hours ago, Mkapaka said:



anyway - my nan was German - and was probably one of the nicest human beings I’ve ever known.


so that proves that the OP is  wrong and all German people are as nice as my nan. 


Always remember when 4 friends & myself were inter-railing in our student days & we ended up on the outskirts of Frieburg not having a clue as to which way we should be heading. 


Stood chatting to each other at a bus stop only other person there was a middle aged woman who only had a smattering of English to match our smattering of German but somehow we managed to explain where we wanted to be heading.  The bus arrives, this was the gets on, pays the fare for the 5 of us.  We arrive at the bus station, she then takes us to another bus, tells the driver where to drop us off & again pays 5 fares. 


Such kindness. 

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