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Tonight's opener suffered the same faults as all the other weakest episodes in the other series... lots of pointless running about, no discernible plot, bouts of complete silliness. Not to mention aliens that looked as though they'd come out of a British Gas advert by way of the Pillsbury dough boy.


Was that Rose, do you reckon, or Rose's evil twin?

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Tonight's opener suffered the same faults as all the other weakest episodes in the other series... lots of pointless running about, no discernible plot, bouts of complete silliness. Not to mention aliens that looked as though they'd come out of a British Gas advert by way of the Pillsbury dough boy.


Was that Rose, do you reckon, or Rose's evil twin?


It's definately Rose, I've read some of the stuff on the Gallfrey forums (yes I'm a nerd), but RTD's not letting on at this point.


I thought the Aliens were great the good stuff will come later on with the much bigger, better aliens and re-appearance of old faves. ;)

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I think Catherine Tate is good.....I missed the bit where she hid the car keys and told someone....who turned out to be Rose Tyler....(what a time to go to the fridge for chocolate).


This episode was a bit silly though....sort of a 21st century Tribbles.....anyone remember Tribbles from Star Trek?


I think the best ones have been the ones written by ......name now escapes me ..... Blink and the Empty Child. These stories were warped and twisty and I liked those. If I am right the same writer was used for a recent episode of Torchwood.....what will they do without Tosh and Owen???? :(

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I think Catherine Tate is good.....I missed the bit where she hid the car keys and told someone....who turned out to be Rose Tyler....(what a time to go to the fridge for chocolate).


This episode was a bit silly though....sort of a 21st century Tribbles.....anyone remember Tribbles from Star Trek?


I think the best ones have been the ones written by ......name now escapes me ..... Blink and the Empty Child. These stories were warped and twisty and I liked those. If I am right the same writer was used for a recent episode of Torchwood.....what will they do without Tosh and Owen???? :(


Those are my favourite episodes too!


Nice and spooky, very atmospheric



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New music arrangement sucks, although the end credits sounded pretty good...






Russell T Davies needs to write less fluff, and be more like Steven Moffatt (and mess with my head properly on a Saturday teatime!).

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