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The new Doctor Who


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End credits rolled far too fast IMO, even I can't read THAT fast.


Overall though, good episode, Raquel off Corrie was good as the main baddie.

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Utter RUBBISH! I had feared the arrive of 'The Tate' would ruin one of my fave shows, and how right I was. Not sure I can stand to watch much more with her gobby voice in every episode. The plot was laughable, the dialogue cringeworthy and the CGI poor.

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I think that compared to the last three series starters (always written by RTD), this was the best. But that's not saying much.


Catherine Tate has a wonderful natural comedy streak. For me this epidode was made by that brilliant 1 minute mime by Donna to the doctor when they first see each other again, culminating in her realising that everyone else is watching too. That was a stroke of genius.

David Tennant has been bringing a big slice of comedy acting to his role since the start, so hopefully Catherine Tate can augment that.


Of course it's not all about comedy, but the chemistry is there and hopefully this will invest us in them both for the more difficult stories to come.


I totally agree with the previous posters who say that the more serious, tense stories by writers such as Steven Moffat and Paul Cornell are better. I loved Blink!


However, as adults we crave the more complex, more integral plots, but I believe that children will have loved tonight's episode, and the current balance of light and heavy plots is spot on!

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I was very disapointed. I quite like David Tennant, good eye candy, but not one of the best doctors.


I really do not think I can cope with Catherine Tate as his assistant in terms of looks and accent, it is so wrong. I am not a Tate fan, so that could be part of it. But, really I should be praising the use of an older woman as the doc's assistant, but surely it would have been better to break the career of an aspiring actress rather than line the pockets of an established comedian.


I don't think the episode was particularly well written, I kind of got into it half way through, but it was uncomfortable veiwing.


It was interesting to see Rose, I thought she couldn't return, so does it mean the field has been broken and Torchwood will be back. That may add some interest.

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I was almost surprised by Tate in this epsiode. I despise the woman normally, feeling she is not funny nor is she a strong actress. However for the first half of the episode she impressed me. A very subtle performance, and I thought that this season wouldn't be as bad as I anticipated....


...then she met The Doctor, we endured that awful miming scene, and she then became 'Gobby Tate' once more - mouth as wide as possible when she blurts out her words, and just pure annoying. On the "I just want a mate!" gag towards the end I felt like smahing the TV in. What was almost a good start to the season instead became an omen of what is to come.


On a plus side, the rejigged theme tune was quite nice, and the quick appearance of Rose gave me goosebumps. I knew she was returning, just didn't expect her so soon.

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On a plus side, the rejigged theme tune was quite nice, and the quick appearance of Rose gave me goosebumps. I knew she was returning, just didn't expect her so soon.


Nobody did - That bit was edited out of the pre-screenings and everything, and was shown for the first time last night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else not that impressed with this series? None of the three episodes so far have come close to previous series and despite never having watched Catherine Tate in anything else I am starting to take an alarming dislike to her character :gag:

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