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The new Doctor Who


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The first episode of the new series just felt like a retread of School Renion (when Sarah Jane popped up again), and despite it seeming that Tate would be alright in it for the first 20 mins, she suddenly reverted to a comedy sketch character and the illusion was spoiled as it became Carry On Doctor.


The second episode was a cracking story, but too much of Tate's gobby nature.


This week's ood tale was simply "Meh!" A dull story that just did nothing for me. For a moment, however, Tate showed some underlying ability (when she wept at the song of the ood - although when The Doctor became Spock I am not sure) but that was a brief glimpse of talent lost in her usual sea of 'bovverd' attitude. I kind of get the feeling that the writers are writing lines for her based on her so called comedy sketch show, rather than trying to actually do something which could work with her.


I have come up with a theory as to how Rose is coming back (well, 2 theories). One has to do with the rewind of the timeline at the end of last year. We have always been led to believe that The Doctor cannot change anything in his own timeline as it would disrupt the space/time continuum (hence he could not go back and make Adric live again all those years ago), and yet the rewind did just that - altered a timeline he has lived through. This could have caused a rupture which has broken down the barrier which sectioned off the reality Rose was left on.


Either that or Tate's gob is disrupting space/time every time she whines or gives attitude, and the only way they can stop it causing infinite damage is for her to shut the hell up! Think about it, it all makes sense - next week we see the Sontarans arrive, a race with a constant aggressive attitude (very much like Donna in nature). Perhaps we will see Davros return later this year, with The Doctor showing off that he has wiped out legions of Daleks recently, only to get a "Bovvered" response from old Davvy! Okay, maybe a little wild that theory, but you never know :)



All in all, so far not a lot to shout about this year. Still early days yet.

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I have come up with a theory as to how Rose is coming back... Tate's gob is disrupting space/time every time she whines or gives attitude, and the only way they can stop it causing infinite damage is for her to shut the hell up!


:D Very funny!


I am sooooo dissapointed with the start of this series. I was well excited at the first episode, forgiving the flimsy story line thinking it was at least a good way to reintroduce the old characters. But having loved episodes like Human Nature and Blink last year, I'm left wondering... where is Doctor Who?


And coming from a confirmed Catherine Tate fan; she's beginning to grate.

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I'm underwhelmed mightily by this series so far. A lot of it is down to 'the Tate' but its not just her - it just seems really lacklustre.


And I'm getting fed up of every episode ending with the Doctor being worshipped as a God. Whats that all about? The old Doctor was never like that:(

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I'm not a great fan of Catherine in her own show but I quite like the way she's panning out as the doctors companion.

I'm no longer a youngster and so although watching the program is not as entertaining as when I was twelve I'm still able to enjoy it.

I actually find the humorous bits quite amusing especially the miming bit or the little digs Donna has at the doctors expense, I'm obviously still young at heart thank goodness.

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Unlike a lot of people, I am not "bovvered" by Catherine Tate and I am really enjoying Doctor Who, all of it, admittedly, the first episode was unfortunately very childish and I prefer stories with a darker undercurrent to them.


The Sontarans look sooo cool with their new armor, but, it is nice to see they have remembered little things like their weakness and that they make mentions to the old doctor stories.

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