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The new Doctor Who


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Good news, THE MASTER IS BACK this season, my best mate knows someone who is on the production team and as such he is able to get pre-screen episodes before they are aired on TV, so, I have heard that the master will indeed be back and that yes, the Daleks are back, no confirmation on Davros as of yet, but, various sources has revealed he will be in this season, so, expect a major storyline coming up.


I'll believe the Master rumour when I see him :)


But it's apparently definate that old 'Dave Ross' ;) is in the finale. The Daleks will also possibly include a red one!!

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Not really a rumour as I have it on good authority from someone who actually works on the program that he will be back.


Btw, who is Dave Ross ?


Doesn't Dave Ross = Davros?

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tonights instalment....


Whooooot! Agatha Christie, and a country house murder mystery.


I was PMSL all the way through, playing "Spot The Christie Mystery Titles".


Not a bad episode.

I enjoyed this one it was a funny one that was actually funny for a change.;)
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Watched some of it and I don't get it. All I seem to remember seeing Dr Who cry out for ginger beer whilst some mad woman was offering some strange questions and soloutions to save him. Ended up as a kiss, which did. He spat out dust like that man in 'Green Mile', and then there was some strange pepper in soup incident which turned a priest into a giant wasp, who ended up dead in a lake so the moral of the story was that Dr Who and co. where in some way responsible for the life events of Agatha Christie, and her mysteries.


:confused: Where's the daleks that I remember as a kid? :confused:

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Anyone else reckon David Tennant should do an episode featuring all the past Doctors who are still around? It would include Colin and Tom Baker (not related afaik), Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, arguably Paul McGann, and Christopher Ecclestone.


Would be good IMO and it's not like they haven't done 2, 3 and 5 Doctors episodes before, they brought Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee and Tom Baker back during the Peter Davison era for a "Five Doctors" story in the early 80s iirc.

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They have already done a two doctors episode, admittedly that was for comic relief, but, was still enjoyable.


I was under the impression that Ben Kingsley was playing the part of Davros, at least, that is what I had heard.

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Anyone else reckon David Tennant should do an episode featuring all the past Doctors who are still around? It would include Colin and Tom Baker (not related afaik), Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, arguably Paul McGann, and Christopher Ecclestone...


That would be sweet!


What I would dearly love to see is a feature film starring Paul McGann and Christopher Ecclestone called "Doctor Who & the Dalek Time War"!!


It would show the back story that eventually leads to the Doctor exterminating the Time Lords to destroy the Daleks. A big regeneration scene and the reason why the Doctor finds himself back on Earth, about to meet a certain Rose Tyler.


Now that would be a completist's wet dream!

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