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The new Doctor Who


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My theory, she's a future Doctor (the first female Doctor Who?), she has a Sonic Screwdriver, given to her by the Doctor?? The Doctor (David Tennant) said that he never gave Sonic Screwdrivers away, so WHO else would have one?


Maybe a future partner (girlfriend/wife) ;)

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My theory, she's a future Doctor (the first female Doctor Who?), she has a Sonic Screwdriver, given to her by the Doctor?? The Doctor (David Tennant) said that he never gave Sonic Screwdrivers away, so WHO else would have one?


To be pedantic, he said he didn't give them away to just anybody, to which she replied "I'm not just anybody". Will be interesting to see how he ties her in. I can't help feeling her name's a clue though!

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could it be his daughter, as don't forget that he doesn't know she is alive! :hihi::hihi:


Nah, she said this was the youngest she'd ever seen him, so that rules that one out.


I expect it to be something rather leftfield, and not predictable.


Bring back Sally Sparrow!

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This is the genius of Steven Moffat. When I said to "expect Doctor Who to be pushed into darker rooms"; I didn't realise he would do it so literally this season! A brilliant episode that leaves us hanging off that old cliff!


Who is that woman? Well she is obviously designed to get the forums into overdrive, so I'll give you my theory (which will no doubt be disproved by this time next week):


She's a time agent (like Captain Jack) - and a future companion to the Doctor. In fact, she knows Captain Jack and will have her own spin-off series by 2010 :hihi:


She's from the 51st Century and so is Jack - did they also have similar guns?


My first thought is that she knows the Doctor from further on in his own personal timeline/life, and that she has met him several times, as he passes to and fro through time, but this is the youngest age she has met him at. So she exists in a fixed point but of course the Doctor does not.


She wouldn't let the Doctor see her notebook because it has the Doctor's future in it, so I think that 'spoilers' thing was clever, it had a double meaning, being spoilers of the Doctor's life (and unethical for him to see) and of course spoilers of many, many future series for us to watch ;)


What was with the Girl though? Is that an alternate universe or something? Does she live where Rose does? :o


Vashta Nerada? Hmmm, 'Narada' is in the Hindu pantheon - described by Wiki as 'a travelling monk with the ability to visit distant worlds or planets'.

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