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The new Doctor Who


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Well tonights episode was a load of rubbish after the great 2 parter we had before. Do you get the impression they were saving the budget for the series finale?


And Russell T makes it on the honours list for drivel like this? Or is it simply because he manages to shoehorn in "alternative" liftstyles*. He can't leave soon enough...


Either this episode was completely pointless, or completely meaningful - it depends on the season ender!




*please note, I'm not homophobic in any way, but Mr Davies does seem to have some sort of willy agenda. Stephen Moffatt doesn't... unless it's to scare the willies out of you!

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I thought tonights episode was very clever and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I knoe the program has to cater for a wide age range and is possibly aimed at a slightly younger audience but it was nice to not see 'the monster' and decidely interesting to see the doctor not saving the day.

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This was a very, very good episode. So good in fact that I had a double take when I saw who wrote it.


No special effects, no monster masks, no jokes, no silly dialogue; just actors, speaking and bouncing off each other and so knitting a magic through their words and interaction.


Here lies madness. Someone who repeats your words? It's horrible, especially if they don't stop. They steal your thoughts as soon as they're verbalised, but then they start to say your words before they're formed? Now they've stolen your thoughts BEFORE they're verbalised!


This was tense, was horrific ("throw him out!"), it was creepy, it depended on acting rather than CGI or real effects, in many ways it was Doctor Who in it's purest form!


My own personal theory is that RTD would like one or two episodes of depth and gravity a la Steven Moffat under his belt before he bows out... but wait! Who's that crying out for the Doctor in the screen behind?


Either Rose is trying to come back, or the onboard entertainment system is loving Billie! ("Why you have to play that song so loud? - BECAUSE WE WANT TO, BECAUSE WE WANT TO!!!)

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Or is it simply because he manages to shoehorn in "alternative" liftstyles*.

*please note, I'm not homophobic in any way, but Mr Davies does seem to have some sort of willy agenda. Stephen Moffatt doesn't... unless it's to scare the willies out of you!


I think it's a form of positive discrimination in his scripts. But I do welcome the normalisation of same sex stuff on TV. It is still noticable because it's still not the norm on telly. However it is very profound within RTD scripts. He seems to have a reforming agenda in this respect.


The same sex stuff is almost embarrassing in Torchwood, but you've got to be a pioneer.


Mixed race relationships on telly used to incite debate and controversy.

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Rose is back next week... Meh, didn't she get sucked into some kind of other dimension at the end of the last series? So how can she come back? That's bad continuity that is.

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Rose is back next week... Meh, didn't she get sucked into some kind of other dimension at the end of the last series? So how can she come back? That's bad continuity that is.


No, it will all be explained and possibly has a whole lot to do with the season finale. ;)

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Wow - do I detect a hint of sarcasm there?


OK, an example, the Doctor and River Song marry and have a son Jack. The Doctor has so many enemies his son is not safe. He is given to a human couple to raise as their own, on the understanding that they never reveal who his biological parents are. Therefore, the Doctor at this time, does not know he has a son and Jack grows up unaware of his true parentage.


As I said in my original post, I've never guessed anything right and I'm quite prepared to admit that I'm probably wrong with this theory too but tell me that you can't visualise David Tennant turning round to John Barrowman and saying, "Jack, I am your father!"


Not without the asthmatic voice and the Darth Vader mask, I can't!:hihi::hihi:




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I really enjoyed this weeks episode, I was left sat thinking, this one must me a Moffat story, it was dark, scary, unnerving, everything that Moffat generally has in his episodes, just goes to show that a good episode doesn't have to be chock full of special effects to make it good.

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