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The new Doctor Who


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I actually really enjoyed that last episode (Northern stereotypes aside).


I'm just gunna put something out there, if you like it keep it, if you dont, send it right back....


What if Rose isnt Rose at all? What if she's someone else - someone who has the ability to follow the Doctor through space and time? (I'm thinking of the Masters demise and the ring - we did see a female hand picking it up...)


Also on the extended trailor, Davros mentioned the children of time (Plural).

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Just watched confidential and right at the end, you get to see what I assume is Davros, basically a dalek blue eye but the top half was definately humanoid and the bottom was dalek, but, it was in serious shadow.

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Just watched confidential and right at the end, you get to see what I assume is Davros, basically a dalek blue eye but the top half was definately humanoid and the bottom was dalek, but, it was in serious shadow.


If you go to the BBC website we see a new clip where you can hear him speak :o

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Well apprently all the following are important to the final two episodes - the Medusa Cascade, the missing planets (mentioned throughout this series, planets have been 'going missing'), and the Shadow Proclamation.




'Bad Wolf' is Rose's message after she took the power of the Time Vortex. So cool that's back. :cool:

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