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The new Doctor Who


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Originally posted by JoyfulGrrl

... - although the series is far too terrifying for children, IMHO. Witness the shop models and the old dead lady possessed by the Gelth in the Dickens audience - EEK!!!

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


Ok, so this takes me back completely to my childhood.


Mum was going to stop me from watching because everybody was saying how scary Tom Baker episodes had become.


I think Mary Whitehouse ran a campaign back then to get the show off the air!

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Not normally a big fan but loved Saturdays Doctor Who just for the fact that it completely ripped the sh*t out of the allies 'evidence based' decision to go to war.....


Aliens had weapons of mass destruction capable of being launched within 45 seconds.


They really wanted war so they could manipulate and sell the earth off to the highest bidder. Sound familiar if you replace the earth for oil?


Russel T Davies is a clever guy.

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OMG!! I've just launched missiles at America!!


And me a pacifist too . . .



V.V. cool site, Jon, thanks!!! And can I just say, DALEKS NEXT WEEK!!!!


Oooo EEEEEEE Ooooooooooooooooooo


Ooo-ooo-oooooooooooo . . .




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