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The new Doctor Who


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funny cus the last time i saw that hand was on torchwood :suspect:


Didn't Jack give it back to the Doctor though? I'll have to check back on that one!


There's one good reason why the Doctor cannot regenerate and that's that regneration takes a while and makes him unstable - and he has to save the universe! ;)

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Didn't Jack give it back to the Doctor though? I'll have to check back on that one!



When the Doctor and Donna slipped by the Shadow Proclamation Albino Servant - when she told him she was confiscating his machine and technology and he said as he went into the TARDIS that he was going to get the key - the hand in the glass jar was stood on the floor (like some sort of reminder :hihi:) :D

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So what's with Rose? She looked worse than Catherine Tate in Saturday's episode. Had she just been to the dentist, or has she had an unsuccesful bout of surgery? She was holding her mouth in a very unnatural manner and looked uncomfortable.

She's taken up rugby and was wearing an invisible gumshield? :D

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She recognized his eyes, not the rest.


Dr Who isn't being binned. It is taking a year break (with a few specials) and handing over to a new creative producer. The BBC binned Who many years ago, but now it is one of their hottest exports - they have no intention of giving it up yet.


Well, they sure kept the new doctor a secret if there is one... it was all over the news last change...



On the other... cool... doctor who is a great british sci fi and i would be sad to see it go... :(

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quicken is observant ;)


Donna had another Time Beetle on her back. So something about this 'reality' is not quite correct.


And I just went back and watched episode 11. When Donna asks Rose if she will live, and Rose looks sad, that could be taken two ways. And what about when the Albino Servant says sorry for Donna's 'loss' - does she mean that she is sorry that Donna will lose someone or that she is sorry that Donna will be lost?


And why did we see a shot of the Doctor's hand in that tank? Not seen that for a while, eh?


hey well spotted, the albino said donna had a somthing on her back... I took that as her meaning that she somehow new about the beetle before... hmmm... may she saw the beetle on her back... is donna still in the chinese gypsy palm readers place and this is all the doing of the beetle still... I dont know what the donna loss is... but she aint supposed to be in it after the 13th episode (from what i read on ere)...


this be intriging

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Isn't there some second delay going on which was why the Dr had so much trouble finding Earth? There was also the scene with the doctor's hand in the tardis which wasn't there for no reason.


I'm betting we'll have David Tennent back as the doctor with some sort of time thing to explain it

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hey well spotted, the albino said donna had a somthing on her back... I took that as her meaning that she somehow new about the beetle before... hmmm... may she saw the beetle on her back... is donna still in the chinese gypsy palm readers place and this is all the doing of the beetle still... I dont know what the donna loss is... but she aint supposed to be in it after the 13th episode (from what i read on ere)...


this be intriging


we know donner dies if you recall back in the library that woman with the book{ spoilers } said who are you to donna on her reply she said OH im so sorry or something like that

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Isn't there some second delay going on which was why the Dr had so much trouble finding Earth? There was also the scene with the doctor's hand in the tardis which wasn't there for no reason.


I'm betting we'll have David Tennent back as the doctor with some sort of time thing to explain it


cellular regeneration like davros rebuilt the darleks well its just a thought

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Hang on a damn minute! According to Who lore, the Doctor has only 13 "lives", officially David Tennant is his 10th "life", so if he turns into Ecclestone and then back to Tennant, doesn't that use up 2 of his "lives"?!


Various things have happened, or been said, to imply that there is in fact no limit to the number of regenerations. Whether the new production mob is ignoring the old lore about a maximum of 12, or they are assuming something's happened since (maybe a side-effect of the Time War) which means the Doctor is no longer limited, I don't know.

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I'm just going to wait till next saturday, I'm not going to get impatient, tetchy and I'm not going to deliberately watch any ttrailers as they aren't going to give much if anything away.

I'm rreasonably old and really shouldn't be wishing my life away


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