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The new Doctor Who


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Or did he say the Doctor's most loyal companion? :huh: Hey, it's a good excuse for me to watch it over again ;)


Plus there was something Dalek Caan said about the 'threefold' Doctor, wasn't there?


Ooooh, a Doctor Who party. Seriously cool :cool: You've got to have Space Dust and Flying Saucers! :D

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Or did he say the Doctor's most loyal companion? :huh: Hey, it's a good excuse for me to watch it over again ;)


Plus there was something Dalek Caan said about the 'threefold' Doctor, wasn't there?


Ooooh, a Doctor Who party. Seriously cool :cool: You've got to have Space Dust and Flying Saucers! :D


he says most faithful companion you would think that would be rose after all she as gone though some to get back to the doctor


what gets me is when the doctor talks to Donna on earth at the start he said rose went from her parallel to your parallel not from the parallel universe back again and where he says to Donna on the shadow proclamation back in your day was there anything different :confused:

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he says most faithful companion you would think that would be rose after all she as gone though some to get back to the doctor


what gets me is when the doctor talks to Donna on earth at the start he said rose went from her parallel to your parallel not from the parallel universe back again and where he says to Donna on the shadow proclamation back in your day was there anything different :confused:


1. Oh God no, they don't mean K9 do they? 'Faithful' is usually applied to dogs.


2. Hmmm, so is this Donna in another universe to the usual one eh? That could work, as it would still be something the Doctor would need to fight, being as Davros is trying to negate all existence. And enemies have passed between realities before now (Doomsday).

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Or did he say the Doctor's most loyal companion? :huh: Hey, it's a good excuse for me to watch it over again ;)


Plus there was something Dalek Caan said about the 'threefold' Doctor, wasn't there?


Ooooh, a Doctor Who party. Seriously cool :cool: You've got to have Space Dust and Flying Saucers! :D


Ooh, that's a good idea - I was just going to go with beer and a BBQ:D


1. Oh God no, they don't mean K9 do they? 'Faithful' is usually applied to dogs.


2. Hmmm, so is this Donna in another universe to the usual one eh? That could work, as it would still be something the Doctor would need to fight, being as Davros is trying to negate all existence. And enemies have passed between realities before now (Doomsday).


I wondered that too - K9 would fit in too the faithful companion catagory. Maybe he'll come to Sarah Jane's rescue?


So do we think the Jadoon will come to blows with the Daleks?...

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I wondered that too - K9 would fit in too the faithful companion catagory. Maybe he'll come to Sarah Jane's rescue?


So do we think the Jadoon will come to blows with the Daleks?...


It would just be TOO cruel to finish off K9! :o I do think he'll rescue Sarah Jane though, maybe with Mickey following up the 'tin dog'? ;)


Actually, I just think Donna will cop for it! Or at a push, Rose.


The Judoon just have to be involved in this war. They just need to find out where Earth has been taken and they're away! How? Maybe that's where Mickey and Rose's mother come in? They transport across from their universe to the Shadow Proclamation and tell them how to get there? :huh:

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Well, I was watching last night's short version of Confidential. They had a scene where they were doing the read through of the script, and I am sure I saw Micky sat at the table. I might be wrong as it was literally a very short moment....

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Well, I was watching last night's short version of Confidential. They had a scene where they were doing the read through of the script, and I am sure I saw Micky sat at the table. I might be wrong as it was literally a very short moment...


From call centre records:

Caller: 'I deleted a file from my PC last week and I have just realised that I need it. If I turn my system clock back two weeks will I have my file back again?'.



Hey, not related to Dr Who, but related to your signature - if you had a Mac running OSX10.4, yes, it would work...:o

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