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The new Doctor Who


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Gotta agree - the old stuff was not self-referentially camp (??) in that it may have had camp moments but it was played straight with no 'post modern' knowingness.


Give me poor special effects and a disused quarry on the South Downs over the new stuff any day!



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Maybe it's just me, but I reckon if you were to remove the old rose-tinted galsses and have a good look back at the old Doctor Who, you'll realise that it was actually pretty rubbish.


Same goes for most old telly, to be fair. Most "classics" are anything but. More money these days means better writing, more professional production values and an altogether better viewing experience in the vast majority of cases (Doctor Who being one of them).


In my opinion, like. :thumbsup:


Time to put on my protective helmet, I think!

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Originally posted by Greenback

Maybe it's just me, but I reckon if you were to remove the old rose-tinted galsses and have a good look back at the old Doctor Who, you'll realise that it was actually pretty rubbish.


Same goes for most old telly, to be fair. Most "classics" are anything but. More money these days means better writing, more professional production values and an altogether better viewing experience in the vast majority of cases (Doctor Who being one of them).


In my opinion, like. :thumbsup:


Time to put on my protective helmet, I think!


I watch it most weekends, and yes, parts of it was true pants.


But it had it's heart in the right place, wasn't so knowing and on many occasions gave a good plot that was 'timeless'.


More money does NOT necessarily mean better writing - some of the dialogue in the current Doctor Who is dreadful sub-soap opera stuff. A better viewing experience? Hmmm.....the cringe per hour rating for the current Doctor Who is higher than even the Sylvester McCoy / Ace series, and that was bad enough.

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Originally posted by Greenback

Maybe it's just me, but I reckon if you were to remove the old rose-tinted galsses and have a good look back at the old Doctor Who, you'll realise that it was actually pretty rubbish.


Same goes for most old telly, to be fair. Most "classics" are anything but. More money these days means better writing, more professional production values and an altogether better viewing experience in the vast majority of cases (Doctor Who being one of them).


In my opinion, like. :thumbsup:


Time to put on my protective helmet, I think!


I completely disagree with you.


ok, some of the very old Dr Whos creak a bit and the Colin Baker/Sylvester McCoy episodes could be pretty embarrassing, but mostly the production teams had to be really creative with what they had, and generally made a great job of it.


Fantastic script-writing does NOT depend on how much money you throw at it - it depends on talent and a sympathy and a feeling and respect for your material. Both of these were present in abundance in Dr Whos of byegone years, especially the Tom Baker and Peter Davison years. (Douglas Adams wrote some of these episodes - now there's a man who knew how to write science fiction :thumbsup: ).


Sorry if it offends anyone's sensibilities, but the current Dr Who script is really poor. It jars and grates - it actually makes me feel uncomfortable to listen to it. There is no flow, no feeling in it. I tried to watch it again on Saturday night, but gave up after a few minutes - I felt as though Dr Who had somehow wandered onto the EastEnders set, as Joe mentioned. One of the wonderful things about the programme was that it was so DIFFERENT from other programmes - what I saw on Saturday was more soap opera/drama than science fiction.


Maybe I switched on at a bad time, I don't know - but I doubt I'll bother watching again, unless the BBC find a script-writer more in tune with the programme.


Watch UKGold occasionally and you'll see what I mean.




PS For awesome modern science fiction writing (great drama, great character development and great story-telling) see the recent series of "Battlestar Galactica"

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Yes I agree the darlek was quite scary, had that invinsibility about it, and flying as well, best episode so far and some great bits there as well.


Billy Piper is crap though, the efffects are quite good this time,


But its probably not everyone cup of tea this new Dr who series.

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Guest rosie

Hope the Dalek comes back, not sure about Dr Who the programme does not seem to flow as good as previous Dr who`s.


Billy Piper is ok.

Perhaps I just like the old ones.

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