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The new Doctor Who


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Hmm..I see what your saying but...


Isnt it usually the case that when the Doctor needs to regenerate, its at a time of potential disaster? So why didnt any of the other Docs in the past do the same thing?


I have to say though, Beakerzoids point was a good one. Why did Dalek Caan bring back Davros just to destroy them? Why didnt he just leave things as they were?


So many loose ends....;)


If he could bring them back then what was to stop others bringing him back?


So he brought them back to make sure they were totally destroyed.. obviously:rolleyes: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Ah. What a total waste. To have set things up so well last week only to do some glowing special effects and suddenly, no-one's in peril again. And when I say again; I mean, he did it in the first series with Rose absorbing the time vortex, putting on too much mascara and saving everyone with a wave of glowing dust, then again when the Master shrunk the Doctor, some glowing dust saved the day and brought him back, and again last night... we're all going to die? Quick, some glowy dust; rewrite the rules on regeneration.. ta da!


In fact the only good ending RTD ever wrote was the painfully sad goodbye at Badwolf Bay in series 2. But now he's revisited that and ruined it's memory as well.


Help us Steven Moffat, you're our only hope.

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Oh and by the way, I know it's for children and all that; but what was the point of bringing Davros back?


They even said in Confidential that Davros was a great villian because it was like a meeting of minds between himself and the Doctor; two geniuses. But where was the dialogue?


Where had Davros been? What had he seen? What drives him on to destroy everything? What purpose would the Daleks have once reality itself was gone? What would they do with no Universe to conquer, no races to enslave, no lower life forms to feel superior to? Wouldn't they get bored?


These are the sort of questions the Doctor should have been putting to the Davros and to the Daleks themselves. He could have beaten Davros by talking, by showing the Daleks the flaw in Davros' logic.


Time was when the Doctor did fight his finest battles using dialogue, intelligence and wit - and it was still a children's show back then.


Shame then that it's now down to running a lot, glowy dust, shouting (a lot of shouting), and a deus ex machina every time.


By the end of last night's episode Davros was like a screaming baby in a chair. Not seeming much like an intelligent and cunning foe.

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Hmm..I see what your saying but...


Isnt it usually the case that when the Doctor needs to regenerate, its at a time of potential disaster? So why didnt any of the other Docs in the past do the same thing?


I have to say though, Beakerzoids point was a good one. Why did Dalek Caan bring back Davros just to destroy them? Why didnt he just leave things as they were?


So many loose ends....;)


Other versions of the Doctor have not regenerated when they had to save the universe within minutes though. It's always been that they've been mortally wounded through saving the universe and have to regenerate afterwards.


This was the first time a Dalek has got him though so they could do anything they liked really.


As for why Dalek Caan brought back Davros only to see them destroyed again, it fits with the nihilistic attitude of Daleks to do something so confounding. You could also say that it was all pre-ordained and that was what Dalek Caan saw as he tried to get to Davros, and what sent him mad, that he had to do all this and yet he was going to be destroyed anyway. It would send you mad, even a Dalek.


Though I hope Dalek Caan wasn't as I was taken with him in that insane state!

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