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because donna became the doctor as well as herself but rose just took some of the tardis power which the doctor was able to take back from her


and Donna also took on a universe of knowledge and information that her mind couldn't handle that's why it got wiped and was not to be reminded of the doctor ever again

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Does anyone know when they're likely to repeat the last series? I missed one of the earlier episodes, as well as the last two.


All I keep hearing is how epic and amazing the last two episodes were, so I can't wait to see them.


they was a few programs behind on bbc3 don't know if they are still running and when

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Does anyone know when they're likely to repeat the last series? I missed one of the earlier episodes, as well as the last two.


All I keep hearing is how epic and amazing the last two episodes were, so I can't wait to see them.


The last two episodes are repeated tomorrow (Sunday) on BBC1, then the repeats start with Partners In Crime from Monday on BBC3.

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Well, I finally got to see the last two episodes.


They were good, but there were a couple of things that spoilt it for me.


It just seems to be, especially in the last couple of series', that whenever the Dr is in danger, or is about to kipper it, they invent a way for him to get out of it. What I mean is, when he's about to die, he regenerates in to a new Dr. However, he didn't this time and they thought of some way in which he could stay as he is, even though it went against every other regeneration that's come before.


There was also the bit where him and Rose were imprisoned on the Crucible. There was some psychology going on between him and Davros about the Dr's soul etc. Davros said about wiping out every life form in the universe and that only the Daleks would be left. All I could think was why doesn't he ask them what happens after that. I thought this after think about the episode with Eccleston where they're in the alien artifacts museum in America, the one where Rose touches the Dalek.


Eccleston, I think, asks the Dalek what they're going to do after they've killed every life form in the universe. This is down to the fact that Daleks were built as killing machines and that is their sole purpose. So once they've killed everything, what else will they be good for. I was aching for Tenant to ask the same thing to Davros.


And the bit at the end with the half and half Dr staying with Rose I thought was extremely weak. It was just cliché after cliché and I felt like turning over. Then again, that could just be because I don't do sentimental, long, drawn out goodbyes.


As I say, I enjoyed them, but I thought it was the weakest ending by far up to now.

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Well, I finally got to see the last two episodes.


They were good, but there were a couple of things that spoilt it for me.


It just seems to be, especially in the last couple of series', that whenever the Dr is in danger, or is about to kipper it, they invent a way for him to get out of it. What I mean is, when he's about to die, he regenerates in to a new Dr. However, he didn't this time and they thought of some way in which he could stay as he is, even though it went against every other regeneration that's come before.


There was also the bit where him and Rose were imprisoned on the Crucible. There was some psychology going on between him and Davros about the Dr's soul etc. Davros said about wiping out every life form in the universe and that only the Daleks would be left. All I could think was why doesn't he ask them what happens after that. I thought this after think about the episode with Eccleston where they're in the alien artifacts museum in America, the one where Rose touches the Dalek.


Eccleston, I think, asks the Dalek what they're going to do after they've killed every life form in the universe. This is down to the fact that Daleks were built as killing machines and that is their sole purpose. So once they've killed everything, what else will they be good for. I was aching for Tenant to ask the same thing to Davros.


And the bit at the end with the half and half Dr staying with Rose I thought was extremely weak. It was just cliché after cliché and I felt like turning over. Then again, that could just be because I don't do sentimental, long, drawn out goodbyes.


As I say, I enjoyed them, but I thought it was the weakest ending by far up to now.


Add to that the whole Martha sub-plot. What was that all about? It took up around 20 mins of the 2 episodes with her going off on her secret mission, only for it to be to blow up the earth.


Ok, why exactly was Unit's plan to blow up the earth? No-one had any idea that the planet was part of a giant Dalek weapon construction, so exactly why do Unit feel that as soon as the Earth is attacked they should just blow it up? Is that how Unit deal with things now - commit suicide rather than fighting for survival???


This would never have happened when in the Brigadeer's days :)



As for the other flaws in the 2 parter, they are down to Russel T Davies being a sensationalistic writer who digs holes for himself and needs to use a contrived Deus Ex Machina to escape from it. 2 other uses in the final were....

* The Tardis can pull a planet through time and space (wow! An antique Tardis can do that - imagine what the military Tardis' could do!!)

* In order to kill daleks, just spout some technobabble and press random buttons. It doesn't have to make any sense for the audience.


Cheers for bringing Who back RTD, now it is good that the reins are being passed to someone else as it seems you began to get a bit carried away with yourself and forgot what structure means to a story.

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