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The new Doctor Who


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I haven't read this thread from the beginning, so i may be going over old ground. Anybody dislike the New Doctor Who, and prefer the old, classic episodes? After 4 years of Ecclestone and Tennant isn't it about time this series matched up to the quality of some of the earlier who's?

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I haven't read this thread from the beginning, so i may be going over old ground. Anybody dislike the New Doctor Who, and prefer the old, classic episodes? After 4 years of Ecclestone and Tennant isn't it about time this series matched up to the quality of some of the earlier who's?


My earliest memories of Who are of Tom Baker (he is MY Doctor), and watching the reruns on Gold a few months back made me realise why they were so great. Slow build up, dialogue driven, characterisations. Many episodes of 'classic' Who would not even have The Doctor appear until about 15 mins in, letting the 'minor' characters from form the backdrop of story for whichever planet he was venturing to.


New Who is tailored to the audience today, an audience for whom movies by Michael Bay are more appealing than more slow paced sci-fi such as Solaris or Sunshine. We live in a 'quick-fix' culture, and Doctor Who aims to that culture with bangs and whoops galore.


However, saying that, when it does shine, it really shines....and the tales delivered by Moffatt over the years have been the more classic feel of Who. Perhaps with him taking charge next year we will see a return to the more sedate sci-fi, rather than the 'how many people can I kill this week' of Russell T Davies' time.

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  • 11 months later...

Plus it will give Whovians the chance to argue until the end of time about whether he has used up a regeneration or not, rather like the interminable "Do Balrogs have wings?" argument* that us Tolkien fans have to endure



*The answer to which question is: "No, they do not. Tolkien was using a metaphor." :P




Tolkien used a simile, and the Balrog had wings.


*ducks and covers*




PS. Tonight's episode of New Who was fantastic. Smith and Gillan are going to be incredible together. It was like one big fat fairy tale.


Ooh look, Mathom, another simile :P


Roll on next week for more time-travelling shenanigans...

Edited by Karis
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