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The new Doctor Who


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I thought it felt very Americanised.

Both too young, she looks like a child dressed in woman's clothing and he's Jamie Oliver's/Matt Lucas's love child.

Don't like the new theme music either.

Tennant is a difficult act to follow - I hope that it improves.

I know essentially it is a children's programme but last night's really felt like it was.

Tell that to the 40 year old men ogling at his assistant half their age.:D

Edited by Rivelin6
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Didn't quite work out story wise as he went back to keep his promise to the little girl which alters Miss Kissogram girl as she rememmbers him promising to come back in five minutes and then not returning.


Did he? I read that scene as her dreaming about being a little girl waiting for him again, especially given that she snaps awake to the sound of the Tardis landing. She's been waiting 2 years for him, and as we learned earlier on (when Prisoner Zero changed into her) in her subconscious mind she has never grown up and always sees herself as that lost little girl, waiting for her Raggity Doctor.



Overall I thought that the first episode of Smith's era was witty, exciting, thrilling, engrossing, and for the first time in a few years made me care! Over the past few years I've continued to watch Who more out of force of habit that actually looking forward to any episodes. Now I cannot wait until next week!


Tennant was a great Doctor but had some of the worst examples of writing bogging him down. Smith looks to be a great take on the role, and if last night is ought to go by he should have the material to back him up. First episodes with new Doctors are usually a bit dodgy, but last night seemed to work so well.

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I thought it felt very Americanised.

Both too young, she looks like a child dressed in woman's clothing and he's Jamie Oliver's/Matt Lucas's love child.

Don't like the new theme music either.

Tennant is a difficult act to follow - I hope that it improves.

I know essentially it is a children's programme but last night's really felt like it was.


I can't see how it could feel any more Americanised than anything written by RTD. As I've said, almost any storyline he wrote could have been written by any Hollywood writer. He seemed to try and out do himself in each episode with either the grand epic-ness of the story or the CGI.


I thought it was quite a simple story for the first episode and, after thinking about it for a while after, liked how they'd done it.


Once again though, if you keep comparing him to Tennant, he's going to be on a loser and you're not going to like him as much. By that reckoning, I thought Eccleston was much, much better than Tennant - but that's just a personal preference and I didn't feel the need to not like Tennant because I preferred Ecclestone.


Plus, some of the one liners weren't half as cheesy as before, which can only be a good thing.

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Did he? I read that scene as her dreaming about being a little girl waiting for him again, especially given that she snaps awake to the sound of the Tardis landing. She's been waiting 2 years for him, and as we learned earlier on (when Prisoner Zero changed into her) in her subconscious mind she has never grown up and always sees herself as that lost little girl, waiting for her Raggity Doctor.




I read it that way as well.

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Also the Doctor pimps his ride!! Love the new Tardis. It reminds me of 60's sci-fi. Think "Doctor Who and the Daleks" (the doctor played by Vincent Price if memory serves -- fit that into your canon and fire it!!)



Peter Cushing, not Vincent Price - in case anyone's trying to find it. :cool:

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I can't see how it could feel any more Americanised than anything written by RTD. As I've said, almost any storyline he wrote could have been written by any Hollywood writer. He seemed to try and out do himself in each episode with either the grand epic-ness of the story or the CGI.


I thought it was quite a simple story for the first episode and, after thinking about it for a while after, liked how they'd done it.


Once again though, if you keep comparing him to Tennant, he's going to be on a loser and you're not going to like him as much. By that reckoning, I thought Eccleston was much, much better than Tennant - but that's just a personal preference and I didn't feel the need to not like Tennant because I preferred Ecclestone.


Plus, some of the one liners weren't half as cheesy as before, which can only be a good thing.

I did too and John Simms would make a lot better Dr too. I would watch it then. Think I'll stick to Ashes, far better written and not for kids.:hihi:

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Did he? I read that scene as her dreaming about being a little girl waiting for him again, especially given that she snaps awake to the sound of the Tardis landing. She's been waiting 2 years for him, and as we learned earlier on (when Prisoner Zero changed into her) in her subconscious mind she has never grown up and always sees herself as that lost little girl, waiting for her Raggity Doctor.



Overall I thought that the first episode of Smith's era was witty, exciting, thrilling, engrossing, and for the first time in a few years made me care! Over the past few years I've continued to watch Who more out of force of habit that actually looking forward to any episodes. Now I cannot wait until next week!


Tennant was a great Doctor but had some of the worst examples of writing bogging him down. Smith looks to be a great take on the role, and if last night is ought to go by he should have the material to back him up. First episodes with new Doctors are usually a bit dodgy, but last night seemed to work so well.


Agreed. Some of the stories were not brilliant.


Tennant made a fantastic Doctor, and he managed to keep a lot of the slightly maniacal, slightly "always about to go over the edge" quality, that Eccleston introduced to the character. I would have liked Eccleston to have stayed on as the Doctor a little longer, to give the character a bit more "Substance".


The previous incarnations of the Doctor (pre RTD era)had an eccentricity, but I'm hard-pressed to think of any who were imbued with that slightly "dangerous" feel that Eccleston and Tennants' Doctors had. The old doctors always had something "controlled" about them, it seemed.

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Brilliant, brilliant start to the new series for me. Smith breezed into the part, and it can only get better. A fantastic fairytale opening, beautifully done, and such a strong cast. Lots of great little touches that made it for me, and I loved the B&W flash back through all the previous Doctors at the end.


Just loved it. :) Have watched it twice already, and will probably watch it again later on.

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