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The new Doctor Who


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It's all rather gone down the toilet, hasn't it?


I was expecting Moffat to be the messiah of DW, but instead, he's reduced it to implausible stories and below par writing.


So where has DW ever had a plausible story? That's the point of Science FICTION.

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Imagine if you were a nipper who has followed this new Doctor Who since 2005. How cool would the new Dalek designs seem to you??


--They somehow look a bit like they've been designed by Apple-- and yet they also seem like 60's sci-fi (yet again)! A very, very cool development indeed.


Also I think "would you care for some teeea?" should be as famous a Dalek line as "Exterminate!!"


The Daleks are the Nazis. Without a doubt that is what inspired Terry Nation's original concept of a twisted, sick master race who want to exterminate that which is different to them.

They are even designed to look like a cross between World War 2 tanks and an electricity pylon. Functional. Brutal.

So as they were spawned from the collective memory of the second world war, it seems so natural to see them in a story in that time!


My feeling about this story is that it's just a big prologue - bringing the Daleks into line with Moffat's more 'fairytale' styling. Nothing wrong with that!


Looking forward to seeing where the Daleks go next.


(And by the way -- the new theme tune is Awesome!!!)


--OK-- shoot me now!

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Totally agree Deavon. I think it's all pretty brilliant so far, and so does my youngest. :) Even Mrs Hazuki is impressed with the show of late, and that really is saying something.


I've said elsewhere that it's no mean feat in recent years to suddenly find the Daleks a threatening proposition again in Doctor Who. I felt under RTD, though I enjoyed the stories, they were a little bit ineffectual. However, there was something rather powerful about their appearance in VotD, and I think you're right; it's a set up for more to come. The fact that I'm actually looking forward to seeing what they do next says a lot.


Can do no wrong for me so far this new series. :)

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Totally agree Deavon. I think it's all pretty brilliant so far, and so does my youngest. :) Even Mrs Hazuki is impressed with the show of late, and that really is saying something.


I've said elsewhere that it's no mean feat in recent years to suddenly find the Daleks a threatening proposition again in Doctor Who. I felt under RTD, though I enjoyed the stories, they were a little bit ineffectual. However, there was something rather powerful about their appearance in VotD, and I think you're right; it's a set up for more to come. The fact that I'm actually looking forward to seeing what they do next says a lot.


Can do no wrong for me so far this new series. :)


Totally disagree. They looked more like tellytubby daleks or possible mini coopers, all style over substance. Where was the menace? Where was the single mindedness and determination to obliterate the puny humans and the Doctor?


Davros would be turning in his grave.

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Totally disagree. They looked more like tellytubby daleks or possible mini coopers, all style over substance. Where was the menace? Where was the single mindedness and determination to obliterate the puny humans and the Doctor?


Davros would be turning in his grave.

Oh come on, it's hardly as if Davros always immediately tried to kill the Doctor whenever he had the chance.


By letting the Doctor escape for no good reason the new pure Daleks are carrying on in Davros' proud tradition of shouty incompetent villainy.

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To be fair, the new Daleks did actually take shots at him once the Jammie Dodger self-destruct trick was exposed.


The bigger question is why is their ultra-advanced, deadlier-than-anything weaponry so incapable of scoring a direct hit on the Doctor. Even during the Stolen Earth, they only managed to blast his legs from under him and force him into regeneration mode.

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To be fair, the new Daleks did actually take shots at him once the Jammie Dodger self-destruct trick was exposed.


The bigger question is why is their ultra-advanced, deadlier-than-anything weaponry so incapable of scoring a direct hit on the Doctor. Even during the Stolen Earth, they only managed to blast his legs from under him and force him into regeneration mode.

You could try and rationalise it as the Doctor being equipped with some kind of fancy timelord stealth technology which makes it hard for enemies to aim straight at him. Either that or just acknowledge that you watch a frequently badly written show which is very poor at disguising character shields.

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