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The Jammie Dodger ... nearly piddled myself ... !!


Good wasn't it? We were hooting here! :D


To be fair, the new Daleks did actually take shots at him once the Jammie Dodger self-destruct trick was exposed.


The bigger question is why is their ultra-advanced, deadlier-than-anything weaponry so incapable of scoring a direct hit on the Doctor. Even during the Stolen Earth, they only managed to blast his legs from under him and force him into regeneration mode.


I always think that the truth is, the Daleks know deep down that no matter what they do they cannot destroy the Doctor. That's why they fear the Oncoming Storm so deeply. They can only kill the things he cares for.


And sorry, but we all found their new appearance much scarier than the last lot. Yes they're coloured now, but the voices for one have been beefed up somewhat, and the sheer imposing size of them coupled with their immediate destruction of three of their own was handled well enough to send the kids scuttling behind the sofa imho. :D I thought they made quite an impact.


And I want a red one. :)

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I always think that the truth is, the Daleks know deep down that no matter what they do they cannot destroy the Doctor.



It doesn't wash; when they don't know that he is protected by a force-field, they fire at him instantly (cf. The Parting of the Ways, Chris Ecclestone's last episode) ... and yet, when they have him at their mercy, there's usually some ridiculously contrived reason for them not to want to kill him just yet.


Sometimes, there's a good reason, but more often than not it feels more like the writers had decided there would be a Dalek/Doctor confrontation, before working out how the Doctor would get out of it alive. And, indeed, regardless of whether the plot actually requires one; sometimes it makes no sense for them to meet face-to-face at all, except that the writers seem to think it's a must in any Dalek story.

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I always think that the truth is, the Daleks know deep down that no matter what they do they cannot destroy the Doctor.

Why the hell not? They killed all the other Time Lords despite all the layers of protection they had, compared to taking the fight to Gallifrey shooting an individual Time Lord standing right in front of them is nothing.


The episode was just very poorly written with a pitiful attempt to disguise the Doctor's character shield.

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Well, perhaps I meant it a little more poetically than you thought. :)


Anyways, regardless of nit-picking, I'm thrilled the battle between the Doc and the Daleks goes on. :)

Asking why they didn't just shoot their greatest enemy when he was standing unprotected right in front of them within easy running distance of a very powerful weapon is hardly "nit-picking"

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To get a bit deep with the whole "why don't the Daleks just kill the Dr":


Could it be that for the Daleks that it's more the thrill of the chase than the actual kill? For example - once they kill the Dr, what else is there? Maybe they realise this deep down and can't bring themselves to do it.


Just a thought.

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