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To get a bit deep with the whole "why don't the Daleks just kill the Dr":


Could it be that for the Daleks that it's more the thrill of the chase than the actual kill? For example - once they kill the Dr, what else is there? Maybe they realise this deep down and can't bring themselves to do it.


Just a thought.

Or maybe the last episode was just badly written.


In the finale to the 2005 S1 the Daleks tried to shoot the Doctor the moment they saw him but couldn't because he'd extended the protective field of the Tardis or something. Now the deus ex machina ending of that sucked but atleast when the Doctor was face to face with the Daleks the writers came up with a situation in which the Doctor could plausibly survive.


Contrast that incident to the failure to shoot the Doctor this time round when they didn't even try to come up with a reason for the Dalek's failure to kill him.

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I think I must be the only person in the country that does not follow Dr Who. I have seen the media attention the new bees are attracting. Though I have not watched an episode of Dr Who I did prefer the "old cast" as they kept themselves low key away from the media & appeared to focus on the job rather than the attention.

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I think I must be the only person in the country that does not follow Dr Who. I have seen the media attention the new bees are attracting. Though I have not watched an episode of Dr Who I did prefer the "old cast" as they kept themselves low key away from the media & appeared to focus on the job rather than the attention.

"new bees"?


Besides getting attention is part of the job of being one of the stars of Dr Who as it boosts the viewing figures and merchandising sales.

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Or maybe the last episode was just badly written.


In the finale to the 2005 S1 the Daleks tried to shoot the Doctor the moment they saw him but couldn't because he'd extended the protective field of the Tardis or something. Now the deus ex machina ending of that sucked but atleast when the Doctor was face to face with the Daleks the writers came up with a situation in which the Doctor could plausibly survive.


Contrast that incident to the failure to shoot the Doctor this time round when they didn't even try to come up with a reason for the Dalek's failure to kill him.


It was because he had a Jammy Dodger! Do'h!


If you'd read episode 5.1(b7.2.9) of the Dr. Lore by I.B. Syndrome you'd know that Davros had a fatal weakness - Peak Freans biscuits! The Jammy Dodger especially could spell..........sod it, I'm 40, why am I replying to this...I'm going to bed!

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It was because he had a Jammy Dodger! Do'h!


If you'd read episode 5.1(b7.2.9) of the Dr. Lore by I.B. Syndrome you'd know that Davros had a fatal weakness - Peak Freans biscuits! The Jammy Dodger especially could spell..........sod it, I'm 40, why am I replying to this...I'm going to bed!

I meant when the new Daleks saw through the horribly weak self destruct button ruse (which the other Daleks should have given their other demonstrated capabilities), they just shouted and made no attempt to shoot him for no reason.

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Or maybe the last episode was just badly written.


Or maybe it's just a bit of fun that you no longer enjoy like you used to, hence the nit-picking and squabbling over details?


I just found it an entertaining piece of escapism. That's what Who has always been to me since the Tom Baker era, and though it's changed in many ways, it's still very much the same DNA deep down.

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Or maybe it's just a bit of fun that you no longer enjoy like you used to, hence the nit-picking and squabbling over details?


I just found it an entertaining piece of escapism. That's what Who has always been to me since the Tom Baker era, and though it's changed in many ways, it's still very much the same DNA deep down.

Asking why the Daleks didn't just shoot their greatest enemy when he was standing unprotected right in front of them within easy running distance of a very powerful weapon is hardly "nit-picking


I like escapism as much as the next guy (Adams, Gaiman, Homer, Banks, Niven, Wyndham... are amongst my favourite authors) I just happen find I'm rather more able to 'escape' when bad writing doesn't keep on breaking my suspension of disbelief by having established characters acting utterly moronically and totally out of character, as happened repeatedly in this episode.

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I think the last 2 shows have been quite weak stories and no matter what the new dr did he would have stuggled to make these poorly witten episode seem better than it is. I would have hoped they could have done better with the daleks but im guessing they will be in this series again later so im going to hold of judgement for the minute.


I think the real test will be this saturdays, its one that i have been looking forward to since the last series as i thought that they were the scaryest characters we have seen in a while so they need a nice strong story.


Im loving matt as the doctor - its jsut the stories that are putting me off the new series at the minute- its very strange!!!!

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I just happen find I'm rather more able to 'escape' when bad writing doesn't keep on breaking my suspension of disbelief by having established characters acting utterly moronically and totally out of character, as happened repeatedly in this episode.


Agreed, i said to my o/h that there is no way they would have stopped for 'a chat' like they did - they would have killed him.

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