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The new Doctor Who


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rory will walk out of the shower, just as amy wakes up and says 'i've just had a very wierd dream' and queue the tardis landing noise...


I was thinking something along the same lines myself.

There's something wrong with the whole thing about all the Doctor's enemies getting together to do him once and for all.

Are we to believe that they've all put their differences aside just to bang him up in an intergalactic Chinese puzzle box.


How did they get together in the first place any way? Face Book? Join If You Hate The Doctor? I Bet Davros Can Get One Million Fans Before The Doctor. Or Enemies Of The Doctor Reunited?


I know Dr. Who is a fantasy program, but I like my fantasy to be credible at least by it's own ground rules. (If that makes sense)

I'll be interested to see how the program makers get out of this one and still make me believe.

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What worries me is that he pulled a piece of the charred Tardis out of the crack - but if the Tardis blows up, where can it go from there?


There's a deleted scene where the Dr. is saying good bye to Rose and his other (single hearted self) after the events of The Stolen Earth/Journeys End episodes. He chucks piece of wood to his other self and says "chunk of Tardis grow your own"



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I was thinking something along the same lines myself.

There's something wrong with the whole thing about all the Doctor's enemies getting together to do him once and for all.


Not just his enemies - although that was the impression. And they haven't joined forces just because they want to get rid of him - they've joined forces because they know that the TARDIS is going to destroy the Universe, and they know he's the only one capable of flying it; therefore imprisoning him saves the Universe.


Or at least ... they think he is. They don't know about River Song.

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Has anyone else noticed that there are two Doctors?


One has a red shirt and tie while the other has a blue shirt and tie.


I think both have appeared in each episode apart from Pandorica when the Doctor wore red the entire time so, unless they have made a huge continuity error, the blue Doctor is still out there :suspect:


P.S. I'm probably wrong ....I usually am anyway :hihi:

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Not just his enemies - although that was the impression. And they haven't joined forces just because they want to get rid of him - they've joined forces because they know that the TARDIS is going to destroy the Universe, and they know he's the only one capable of flying it; therefore imprisoning him saves the Universe.


Or at least ... they think he is. They don't know about River Song.

The judoon was there


Or even Amy (although she is supposedly dead now)

Not very well with the doctors help admittedly

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Has anyone else noticed that there are two Doctors?


One has a red shirt and tie while the other has a blue shirt and tie.


I think both have appeared in each episode apart from Pandorica when the Doctor wore red the entire time so, unless they have made a huge continuity error, the blue Doctor is still out there :suspect:


P.S. I'm probably wrong ....I usually am anyway :hihi:


Brilliant, brilliant! There's a lot of rumours about the last episode and it is to Steven Moffat's credit that he has created this hugely enjoyable multi-layered story this season.


I believe that the last episode will re-visit almost every episode already shown this year and lots and lots of untied ends will be tied up.


Here are a couple: the tardis does come back to the young Amy waiting on her suitcase in the night, and the doctor comes back to Amy when she can't open her eyes in the byzantine and asks her to remember what he told her as a child. Also look out for Amy and rory waving from the hill and rory making the ultimate sacrifice again!) - all of the above in my own humble opinion of course!

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Has anyone else noticed that there are two Doctors?


One has a red shirt and tie while the other has a blue shirt and tie.


I think both have appeared in each episode apart from Pandorica when the Doctor wore red the entire time so, unless they have made a huge continuity error, the blue Doctor is still out there :suspect:


P.S. I'm probably wrong ....I usually am anyway :hihi:


I have never noticed that - if you are right, that would be such a shock ending!! But it's happened - we have seen Rory and Amy doubles so why not the Doctor?

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