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The new Doctor Who


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More pics as promised.


Just a few more bits to sort out then DONE!!


Oh, he looks awesome! I think you've done an amazing job!


Also on the new series, I'd wager the Lodger TARDIS is some kind of paradox machine...

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Don't forget that last series Rory died, then he killed Amy so Amy died.


River has already died back in the library during Tennant/Tate.


Also the doctor died... Remember? The Dalek shot him, he went back 12 minutes and Amy's exact words when she couldn't find the body were "but he died".

River, "who told you that?"

Amy, "he did"

River, "rule number one, The Doctor lies"


So maybe we've already got the answer, the Doctor lies...


Or maybe they're all already dead and that's the big secret that the Tardis is literally a Ghost ship...


<head hurts>

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Don't forget that last series Rory died, then he killed Amy so Amy died.


River has already died back in the library during Tennant/Tate.


Also the doctor died... Remember? The Dalek shot him, he went back 12 minutes and Amy's exact words when she couldn't find the body were "but he died".

River, "who told you that?"

Amy, "he did"

River, "rule number one, The Doctor lies"


So maybe we've already got the answer, the Doctor lies...


Or maybe they're all already dead and that's the big secret that the Tardis is literally a Ghost ship...


<head hurts>


According to River in "The Impossible Astronaut" she is travelling backwards through time, and the Doctor is travelling forwards, so eventually He wont know her at all.


I'll have to re-watch the Library episode.


In terms of Amy/Rory - Rory was never born because he slipped through a crack in time, and was thus erased. However the "Nestines" (Sp??) who used the phsycic thing to counjure up the "Pandorica" took a copy of Rory too, and turned him into a plastic copy. But then when the Doctor flies the Pandorica into the Exploding TARDIS he resets the Universe, so Rory and Amy are 'real' again now. I think.


However I still dont understand how he escaped the Pandorica to do all of this in the first place?? And in this latest Episode River clealry says that the Doctor would never want to know he was dead, and must never interfere with his own timeline, however that's exactly what he did in the "Big Bang" episode.


My head hurts too now.

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However I still dont understand how he escaped the Pandorica to do all of this in the first place??


He used, what I like to refer to as...The Bill & Ted's Theory of Time Travel.


In this, you know that you need a key to open a door. So you decide that once you get the door open, you will remember to use your time machine to go back and put the key somewhere you can find it...like....under that plant-pot in front of you. Hey presto, you lift the plant pot and there is the key! So long as you later go back in time to put the key there, then all is (kind of) well and you have tied up the time loop.


Now whilst this is entirely paradoxical, and means that a key magically appears from no-where, and could lead to the universe imploding under a catastrophic event....it is:-

a) funny when Bill & Ted do it


b) a last desperate attempt by the Doctor when the universe was going to blow up anyway...so what difference would it make :)


Ah, temporal mechanics...you have to love 'em!





This very meddling with the timelines of the universe may be the very reason that Amy is/isn't pregnant with what may/may not be a time baby, which may/may not be River, or may/may not be a new timelord! Perhaps his breaking of time laws at the end of last year are having a big of an anomalous effect on things this year.


I also suspect that at some point the Doctor is cloned...and we have seen one of them killed (200 years older) at the start of last week, and I beleive the shooter will be the other Doctor.


Just a theory mind you - can;t wait to see how it all pans out.


Loving the River Song elements this year. We have already seen the end of her life, and the impact of her being 'younger' every encounter is handled well - especially last night with the first/last kiss, and her realisation that she will never be that close to him again (or, from our perspective never was that close to him).

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I'm really liking the Doctor again. I thought that Tennant was well past d his expired by date and was happy with a change but wasn't looking forward to Matt Smith in the role. However he is really carving himself a groove now :) I'm even growing to like River Song who I really didn't take to as a character before.

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According to River in "The Impossible Astronaut" she is travelling backwards through time, and the Doctor is travelling forwards, so eventually He wont know her at all.


Sort of ... it's a bit complicated, but basically (making up the ages!), a 20 year old River Song meets a 1300-year-old doctor; then at age 23 she meets a 1250-year-old doctor; at age 30 she meets an 1100-year-old doctor; eventually as she gets older she meets a 750-year-old doctor who doesn't know who she is, and that's the incident in the library.


This is possible because the Doctor, via his time travel, meets River in exactly the wrong order of events. The first time he ever met her was at the end of her life, and the last time he meets her will be near the beginning of it.


A shortened version of the same issue occurs with Canton Everett Delaware III; the first time Amy and Rory meet him is in 2011 when he's an old man, and they then go back in time to 1969 and meet him when he's a young man and doesn't know them.

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