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I didn't like how they just plonked Mels in there. If she was so important to Amy and Rory, why haven't we heard about her before? Too much of a Deus ex Machina for me. Unless I missed it from being bored with this season.


Mels was only born in the last episode. Basically Amy had to grow up, meet the Doctor, fall in love with and marry Rory and ahem, spend her wedding night in the Tardis before she could have Mels as a childhood best friend.


Weird thing is Mels gets Rory and Amy together in the first place! Oh... Chicken, egg, wibbley wobbly! Damn you Moffat!!

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Hmmm... getting a bit bored now; it's becoming more the Rory and Amy Show.. with the Doctor becoming more of an incidental character... and to top it all looks like the series is going to bow out with scant answers to the oustanding questions... and even better there's not going to be a full series next year to answer them all...


To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I can be bothered anymore...

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I agree with swampster- i know the doctors assistant is there to help him but i don;t think the entire series should be them getting into trouble and the doctor helping them out.


I just think he isn't being given a chance to make the doctor role his own because he is too busy acting off rory and amy- david tennant used to dominate scenes but matt doesn't atm.

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I hated the doll episode, it felt completely pointless after it came out that it was all in George's head. Up until that point it had a few slightly creepy moments in it (I hate dolls, next week with the clown should be interesting!)


Saturday's episode was better but they described it on Facebook as being a "tear jerker" which it most definitely wasn't. Not like Tennant era tear jerkers anyway. The idea of the two Amy's was quite interesting though.

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Have to say, it restored a little faith this week... has he permanently dumped Rory and Amy? Few pointers that things are turning full circle.. Talking to Rory speaking in past tense, the last gasp of the alien.. which brings me onto..


Any theories as to who was in the Doctor's room?.. we'll never find out but I'd guess at it being Riversong

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