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The new Doctor Who


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I am not finding him much good, not sure if it is the stories or the other doctors were so much better.


If it wasn't for Clara It would be dull. She is stealing the show so far.


Her and her dreadfully dull boyfriend and the dreadfully dull school are holding the whole series back.

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Not exactly overjoyed with the new series. I think Peter Capaldi will make a good Doctor, its just a shame that the stories so far are quite poor.


Agreed, He is slowly beginning to win me over but the writing so far this series has been garbage- "spiders on the moon", and "honey i shrunk the darlek" just don't cut it for me.


Where have all the amazing stories like "don't blink" gone?


They need to give him a chance.

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Unfortunately Clara's boyfriend is Ricky 2, the sequel.


I was thinking the same. If you were her you could do a lot better. I think the PC boys have written him in for no good reson other than that.


The actors are rubbish but that is perhaps because they are stirring porridge.

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  • 4 weeks later...
A poor ending to a naff series I reckon. Some of the writing was lazy and the whole Clara/Dr/Danny storyline, with added assorted schoolkids was just tedious.


I warmed to Clara but thought Danny was a bit of plank. As good an actor capaldi is, I'm no fan of him as the doctor. Storylines have been patchy too. But looks like we're in the minority.



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As the series went on he started to look more and more like Peter Cushing in those two Dr Who films in the 1960s, I thought. I wasn't overenthused by him but he was OK. Most of the episodes were pretty dreadful plotwise, but the last two weren't too bad (though the Lethbridge-Stewart bit made me cringe).

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