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The new Doctor Who


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I know it's a bit of a techie geek point, but is it just me who's annoyed by the post production? It looks like it's been filmed with Vaseline on the lens. And everything looks so glowy red. The same thing bugged me in Fellowship of the Ring.

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WOOHOO, the daleks are back, next weeks episode looks brilliant, The Doctor in the BB house, roflmao, intriguing and a Robot version of Anne Robinson, heh...........


They touched upon the Bad Wolf thing this week, but, it was brushed off, so, I have got the feeling that possibly The Master might be on the horizon, he is possibly following the Dr and making his life difficult, just a thought, can't wait to see.

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Woah for one moment tonite I thought they were gonna kill Rose off and replace her with Lynda [with a 'y'].


Last episode looks fab. Cant wait to catch the sneak previews they are having through next week :thumbsup:



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