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The new Doctor Who


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I thought the start of this week's episode was excruciatingly poor. Half way through it began to improve and ended with a really powerful sequence.


It's a pain - I just wish they could maintain the standards throughout each episode. It fluctuatates between old-school naff and inspired brilliance.


Two gripes:


1. I don't have widescreen so I missed the graffiti on the tardis.


2. The american is a pillock. It's as if the producers wanted to ensure the americans bought the series so they wrote Bruce Willis into the script. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Ant

The american is a pillock. It's as if the producers wanted to ensure the americans bought the series so they wrote Bruce Willis into the script. :rolleyes:

I wondered where he came from and why :roll:


Oh - and he had to 'save' everybody too :exasperated:

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Do you think we will be seeing Davros in the next episode? I thought tonights episode "Bad Wolf" was excellent, just a shame the music drowned out what people were saying at times.


:thumbsup: Can't wait for next weeks now


Don't worry those who don't like it Ant and Dec will be back soon, grown up tv at its best God help us that they made fun at big brother

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I agree with Ant... the first half of tonight's episode was almost back to the Bertie Bassett level of silliness of the Sylvester McCoy era, but it did thankfully pick up after that. Still not used to people waving large firearms around in Dr Who as though they were in training for Terminator 4 or whatever.

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Do you think we will be seeing Davros in the next episode?


I think they made that a bit too obvious (not exactly subtle with the trailer at the end of each programme, are they? :mad: ) If they leave out the Weakest Link/Big Brother tripe, it should be a cracking episode.

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Originally posted by Deavon

It was a great episode tonight... but who was speaking at the end?


We think Davros? Or... The Master?


(A few references to 'master' in the script)...


Can anyone shed light?


It was Brian Potter.


Dr Who is p*ssing in the wind!



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