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The new Doctor Who


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Originally posted by Jon

Warning Warning this can be found on the BBC Doctor Who website. Publicity pictures will appear tomorrow, and there's a screening for the press on Wednesday, so stuff will leak out. Our best advice to you - STAY OFF THE INTERNET THIS WEEK!


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Oh dear.


I've just read that K9 is to return in the next series.


"We're extremely happy K9 is making a return. We have to be careful with using too much from the past but we couldn't resist bringing back K9. Everyone loves him."


Not quite everyone. He was an irritating lump of tin that was better suited to 80's american sci-fi B-movies. I hated that pathetic dog more than I hated Scrappy Doo. And I detested Scrappy Dappy Piggin Doo.

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It's something that's easy to get very badly wrong.


My guess - and I know I'm negging out with pessimism here - is that they'll get it wrong and it'll appeal only to five-year-olds who'll snap them up for xmas presents. Hopefully I'm wrong. It just worries me - why would they want to bring back something that was so obviously naff in the first place? The fact that they're saying "everybody loves him" hints that he'll be relatively unchanged. Is there no-one in the production/writing team that has any fresh ideas? - Other than flatulent aliens.

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Jon: ...next they will bring back the Macra or the Nimons


Jon's a Whovian anorak - let's all point at him like little children and snigger :hihi:

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Originally posted by Ant

Jon's a Whovian anorak - let's all point at him like little children and snigger :hihi:

Oh, what sad times are these when ruffians like Ant can point and snigger at will to old Men. There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred. ;)
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