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The new Doctor Who


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Originally posted by Ant

Wow. One of the best programmes I've seen for a long time !!

:clap: The BBC at its best :sad: i had a little bit of dust in my eyes at the end ;)Doctor Who Will return At Christmas just like James Bond :D



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Originally posted by Kry10


Secondly, in last weeks episode, when Rose got vapourised by Annedroid Robinson, Cpt Frank explains by bringing Lynda "with a Y" back and tells the Doctor that they don't get killed, they just get beamed across space, so, in this weeks episode, when Annedroid Robinson shoots the 3 Daleks, wouldn't they have also been sent elsewhere ???



Maybe a cunning way to bring the Daleks back one more time:D


Is anyone else looking forward to the return of the cybermen?For me waaaay better than the Daleks!

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Still can't for the life of me figure out why Rose left all those Bad Wolf signs littered all over the place... and then only remembered at the last minute that she'd done it. Funny how you always remember right at the end etc.


Still, not a bad episode and overall I think the series has been a success, though not without its moments of silliness. Billie Piper has been better than expected, but I still never really warmed to Ecclestone. We'll have to see how the new bloke does.


As for K9, didn't he go off with Sarah Jane Smith in the end? Does that mean she'll have a cameo in the next series when he (or it rather) comes back? It would be nice to think so as she was certainly one of the more long-serving screamers.

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You've managed to depress me with the news that the awful K9 is going to make a come back. I hated the horrible naff poxy useless garbagey hunk of tin and thought what it needed was a up close and personal meeting with a sledge hammer.

I was an eentsy weentsy bit disappointed with the dalek emperor and the transformation of Rose who saves the day and answers all the questions it just seemed a bit 'rushed'.

However watching it through my 12 year old eye's i still managed to enjoy it and didn't even have to squeak too much at dalek 'noises' in the vacuum of space or the lousy sound effects when they shot the space sttion window out killing the female.

Roll on the christman special but only after we've had a nice long warm/hot summer.

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The ending could backfire a bit really. Surely at any point in the future when they get into trouble all Rose has to do is open the panel in the Tardis, gaze into the light again, and all will be solved. It's made her too powerful, unlike all the other companions who have virtually all been powerless (Romana was a bit of an exception since she was time lord herself, and Leela who had a certain er... physical presence). It almost reminds me of Larry Niven's Ringworld books, where he gave one character a lucky gene which meant she always came out on top; nice plot device but too late he realised that it meant he couldn't really do anything more with that character as the outcome was always pre-ordained.

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Originally posted by rtapper

Erm, why am I getting the impression that the new Doctor will be a bit of a wimp ? First few words didnt exactly fill me with confidence that he'll save us from all the badies out in the universe, but since there are 2 more series to come, I guess he cant be all that bad :P


Also a bit let down by the way in which he beat the daleks. Or didn't :mad:


My thoughts exactly, as soon as I saw him, I was not impressed with him straight away.

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As for K9, didn't he go off with Sarah Jane Smith in the end? Does that mean she'll have a cameo in the next series when he (or it rather) comes back? It would be nice to think so as she was certainly one of the more long-serving screamers.


Word has it that Elizibeth Sladen is yes indeedily going to make a cameo next series. I always found her extremely irritating but rather fanciable.

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