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The new Doctor Who


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Brilliant pictures Deavon. That "totally gay" one reminds me of the costume I wore to our Silver Jubilee street party when I was 8. I wasn't exactly meant to be a dalek, but it looked pretty close, we called it a "Jubilon".


When I was very young (about 4 I think) I sat inside a dalek at a toyshop in Manchester. I remember approaching it was one of the scariest things I'd ever done in my short life until then, but once I was inside the feeling of power was incredible. I went in one more recently, at the Doctor Who museum in Llangollen. It didn't have quite the same effect.

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Originally posted by DanSumption

Brilliant pictures Deavon. That "totally gay" one reminds me of the costume I wore to our Silver Jubilee street party when I was 8. I wasn't exactly meant to be a dalek, but it looked pretty close, we called it a "Jubilon".


When I was very young (about 4 I think) I sat inside a dalek at a toyshop in Manchester. I remember approaching it was one of the scariest things I'd ever done in my short life until then, but once I was inside the feeling of power was incredible. I went in one more recently, at the Doctor Who museum in Llangollen. It didn't have quite the same effect.


Theres a docotr hwo musem?? oh cool! :)

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The only Dr Who exhibit I know of is based at Blackpool, not been in though, but, one of these days I will, heh.


Ant, I believe that a Red Dwarf fan is a Dwarfer........and you correctly concluded that I am a big fan at that, lol......I can name both the series and episode from a simple quote (yes, I know, nerd alert, nerd alert, I am more geeky than Dwayne Dibbley).


I am surprised they are showing teasers for the xmas show so early in the year though, and I am looking forward to seeing the new actor in his portrayal of the Doctor, every actor who has played the part has made it their own, I have lost count of the times people have gone "oooh, another Doctor, this one won't be as good as ______" then they watch the new Doctor and rethink their statements and start to say "Hey, this Doctor is pretty decent".......only time will tell (ooh, a pun, lol).

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