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The new Doctor Who


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Thanks for the netiquette link, but I didn't need it. It would still have spoilt the joke, but there ya go, we'll agree to differ. ;)

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Originally posted by Ant

Thanks for the netiquette link, but I didn't need it. It would still have spoilt the joke, but there ya go, we'll agree to differ. ;)


I am still baffled as to why you think that " " would have spoilt the joke.:confused:

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Jon demanded that the thread gets back on topic, so Deavon replied with the most on-topic post you could possibly get. It was genuinely funny. To me. But I am a little weird. If you found it unamusing, I'm sure it's because you're normal. Be comforted by that. :|


Now, can we please get back on topic?








..always wanted to say that.

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From Sunday 17 July, 7pm.


Missed an episode? BBC Three will repeat the series on Sundays at 7pm, with cut-down Confidential at 7.45pm.


Initially, there will also be a repeat, uh, repeat on Fridays at 9pm - but this slot's not been confirmed for all 13 episodes.


Repeats at-a-glance:


17 July - 01: Rose

24 July - 02: The End of the World

31 July - 03: The Unquiet Dead

07 Aug - 04: Aliens of London

14 Aug - 05: World War Three

21 Aug - 06: Dalek

28 Aug - 07: The Long Game

04 Sep - 08: Father's Day

11 Sep - 09: The Empty Child

18 Sep - 10: The Doctor Dances

25 Sep - 11: Boom Town

02 Oct - 12: Bad Wolf

09 Oct - 13: The Parting of the Ways




Vote for Dr Who in the tv awards on itv

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Missed an episode? BBC Three will repeat the series on Sundays at 7pm, with cut-down Confidential at 7.45pm.


Damn, wish I'd bought the dvd recorder I intended buying on payday.

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Trouble with that is I want to archive this sort of stuff on dvd, but my computer isn't fast enough to handle it.

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Originally posted by lucyjuicy

i cant wait till it comes on!! :) go doctor who! even thought i prefer christopher eccletson thhan david tenant

David Tenant was on screen as the new doctor for less then a minute how can you judge him already :rolleyes: Christopher was a great doctor and i'm sure David will be too.
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Originally posted by lucyjuicy

i cant wait till it comes on!! :) go doctor who! even thought i prefer christopher eccletson thhan david tenant


im sorry dont get me wrong.. i am not judgeing him i am jst saying i loved christopher eccletson.. but i will see how david tennant! i was judgin him wen he was in Casanova not doctor who. my appoliges if i offended you :)

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