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The new Doctor Who


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, what did you think of the Christmas special then?


In my view it was OK, but suffered from the same problems as the last series - no plot at all, gimmicky bits that brought to mind the worst excesses of the McCoy era (the spinning Christmas tree) and irritating minor characters (Rose's mum and boyfriend). I'll reserve judgement on Tennant until the next series, but I think one fault with him and Eccleston is that they both say too much. If you remember back to the Troughton/Pertwee/Baker years, the Doctor wasn't continually spouting rubbish.

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I wasnt that keen on David Tennant and if the xmas special is anything to go by - its going to be a long long series.

Bring back Chris Eccleston!


OH something popped into my head as well.


When the good doctor gets his hand cut off he talks about being still in the transitional 15 hours- and his hand grows back?


Can he die then if he is in that transitional period, because surely he could have give the scicorax captain one hell of a beating in the knowledge that he couldnt snuff it!

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