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The new Doctor Who


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Might have something to do with the fact that I was a teensy bit drunk whilst watching last night's episode,but I thought it was a little ,well , underwhelming.


Not bad, par se, just not the whizbang episode I was expecting.Thought Christopher Ecclestone's debut was a lot better, tbh...

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I'm looking out for the 'clues' to the backstory in this series, like the 'Bad Wolf' clues in the last one. I have the feeling that the Dalek shaped hospital could mean something quite scary! Especially as it had all those humans at its centre (bit like the Matrix, that!), which was pretty sinister.


If your lookin for clues, I have some food for thought....


For a start, remember that the Doctor in series 1 was calling Mickey the wrong name, well, the actor who plays Mickey has suggested on Totally Doctor Who which is shown on Thursdays on BBCB, Mickey might be something other than who he is, that is one possibility, or they might have been mucking about.


But, while watching last nights episode, the face of Bo mentioned he would be telling the Doctor a secret and they would meet again, now, I am wondering if this is something to do with Mickey or whether he will inform the Doctor something about the time war, like for example that he is not the only time lord in existence, we shall have to see.


I have been thinking about a 2 Doctors episode, Ecclestone and Tennant, now THAT would be interesting, they have done something similar before with Troughton and Colin Baker.


Oh well, wishfull thinking I guess.

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They've done the multi-doctor episodes on a few of occasions, the first was when John Pertwee was the resident Doctor, with William Hartnell and Patrick Trougton, and another was "The Five Doctors", with Peter Davison as the resident doctor, and William Hartnell, Richard Hurndall (in place of the late Patrick Troughton), Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. There were various "assistants" in that episode as well.


I watch the classic Doctor Who most weekends on UK TV Gold, which is going through the Jon Pertwee era at the moment ~ Jo Grant left at the end of this morning's episode.

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Only saw half of it. The cat turned off the video half way through. Will have to watch the repeat.


Fuzzy, that episode is being repeated on Satellite/ cable channel, BBC3 tonight, at 7.05pm if you can get that channel? (it's also on Telewest's replay service, for the next six days if you have that facility)



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If your lookin for clues, I have some food for thought....


For a start, remember that the Doctor in series 1 was calling Mickey the wrong name, well, the actor who plays Mickey has suggested on Totally Doctor Who which is shown on Thursdays on BBCB, Mickey might be something other than who he is, that is one possibility, or they might have been mucking about.


But, while watching last nights episode, the face of Bo mentioned he would be telling the Doctor a secret and they would meet again, now, I am wondering if this is something to do with Mickey or whether he will inform the Doctor something about the time war, like for example that he is not the only time lord in existence, we shall have to see.


I have been thinking about a 2 Doctors episode, Ecclestone and Tennant, now THAT would be interesting, they have done something similar before with Troughton and Colin Baker.


Oh well, wishfull thinking I guess.


They should do an episode with all of the former Doctors who are still with us, so that would include, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Christopher Ecclestone (arguably including Paul McGann but IMO he doesn't count cos he only played the Doc once in a TV movie), they could also maybe get lookalikes of the first 3 Doctors, Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee, maybe Sean Pertwee could dress up as his Dad.

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I read an interview with top banana of the show Russell T Davis who has said there will DEFINATELY NOT be any multi-doctor episodes. He said he hated them when he was younger and the chances of getting Tom Baker and Chris Ecclestone back are zilch! The daleks are bound to be back at somepoint! I cant wait for the Peter Kay episode!!.....I hope they do Brian Potter as Davros!!!

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Peter Kay's in episode 10!


I have a feeling there's a 'ghost in the machine' theme to the series - with the humans trapped inside the Dalek shaped hospital, and the second to last episode is titled Army of Ghosts. There's something of a robot theme too, and the cybermen are in it a lot. The last two episodes sound amazing - this week's Radio Times has loads to get you thinking about what's coming up!

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Fuzzy, that episode is being repeated on Satellite/ cable channel, BBC3 tonight, at 7.05pm if you can get that channel? (it's also on Telewest's replay service, for the next six days if you have that facility)





Yes thank PT, will tape it off BBC3, just need to remember to press the button and hide the remote so the cat won't stand on it. :hihi:

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I love the new Doctor Who, David Tennant, as he encapsulates all the qualities that i think the Doctor should have. He's funny, quite eccentric, a little bit wild and just a bit crazy. David Tennant is brilliant as the Doctor and I like him a lot better than Chris Eccelston cos by the end Chris was playing the Doctor as a very moody and angry so and so and thats not the doctor at all! he should be fun and not take life too seriously which is what David Tennant is doing. keep up the good work Tennant!

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