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The new Doctor Who


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I've got to say that although it has it's flaws it is the best family viewing on TV right now. I have a hubby and a 6 year old and we love it.


Yes it's got the worst extras in living memory in it and possibly the biggest leaps in fantastical storylines but it is SOOOOOOOO British!!!! No one does weird, unsettling stories like this country does. It really reminds me of the old Hammer House of Horrors series- particularly last nights episode. Mark Gatiss must write more of these! (His non-who book was rubbish though!)


With members of families all having very specific, very different interests nowadays- It can't be bad to have this incredibly lovely-incredibly SILLY show in common can it?


Who'd have thought Billie Piper would be any good?

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Theres something intrinsically scary about people without faces, dont'cha think?


I remember a Saphire and Steel episode from yonks ago which had a faceless character in it - freaked me out for months:(


Last night ep was ok - ive decided I like Tennant as Dr Who, but I thought last nights wasnt one of the better episodes-not bad, just not as good as the last few have been.

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Yes I enjoyed tonights episode as well ............ everything seems to be set in London, maybe we will find out later in the series, or am I just finding something that actually isnt there ..... :suspect:


True but then lots of the previous Doctors' series had plenty set in London.Mainly filmed in Cardiff anyway, but a few episodes based further north would be good.

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Well tonights episode wasnt set in London, was a good one as well, the Ood were a bit spooky, and so was the writing on Toby`s face, very good stuff, cannot wait until tomorrow.


Does anyone know who played Toby, I am sure I have seen him in something else, I am trying to find out, but not having much luck

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I am really enjoying Dr Who, they have done episodes with comedy, some with dark drama, some with a horror theme, and the 2 part episodes have the hanging on the edge of the seat stuff that leaves you dying to find out what happens next, tonights episode is really gritting stuff, the whole Satan creature thing, very interesting, although, I am aware there are some even better episodes coming along, and don't forget, we should be seeing the face of Bo sometime in the future, along with his secret (whatever it is).

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