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The new Doctor Who


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So the good doctor has killed off the Devil!

Pathetic- so does that now mean then that all evil in the world is destroyed?


Ooopps no.. because there is more baddies to be had next week.


The peter kay episode already I think looks a let down and I think its going to be a first thumbsdown for me in the great mans career for a change.


Also- I didnt get the torchwood reference in this episode??

Whats that got to do with the other torchwood references in the other episodes- this one didnt seem to link in with the others.

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Yes it did, they was sent by the Torchwood organisation, which, if you knew, is an organisation to explore scientific and strange events in the universe, which is why they was digging, to find out about the power source.


I am looking forward to next weeks, looks interesting.

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I thought this week's had a bit of a 'deus ex machina' ending; nothing was explained about how the Doctor got out of the pit, picked up the science officer and then managed to get a towline attached to that spaceship. For me that took away a bit of the point because you don't want Dr Who to be a god, you want to see how he did it. If this week's episode had been a comic book, it would have had the line 'With one bound he was free...' at the end.


Having seen a bit about the coming Peter Kay episode on Blue Peter yesterday, let's just say I have grave misgivings - I thought the silly bits had been left behind last series - but we'll wait and see.

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metalman, you must have missed the bit where the Doctor found the Tardis. That is how he got out of the pit and picked up the science officer.


The towline wasn't a rope/cable, but a force field of sorts.


What is the point of trying to over-analyse fantasy?

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Well I didn't miss the bit where he found the Tardis but it looked more like a case of the Tardis found him cause he just looked round and there it was next to him. And since when has the Tardis had a tractor beam?


Don't get me wrong, I thought this was a good 2-parter but the end seemed a bit rushed, that's all.

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*sighs* The Tardis fell into a chasm when they first landed on the planet, there was a big earthquake and when they was told where it happened, so, they went to check on the Tardis and you saw that it wasn't there and all that you could see was a big hole in the floor, so, it makes sense that it could easily have ended up in the same place as the Doc.

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What is the point of trying to over-analyse fantasy?


It still has to work within the context and rules of its own world though. That's the difference between good and bad fantasy, e.g. the difference between Tolkien and a cheap Hollywood fantasy film. The former has rules and does not go outside those while the latter just tries to fit the story in any old how, even if it does make for a weak plot.


Anyway, the Doctor finding the Tardis did make sense, as he knew it had gone down into the abyss, and that was why he was so keen to get down there and volunteered for the mission. He knew all along that he'd get his Tardis back. :thumbsup:

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