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The new Doctor Who


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Looks like my misgivings about tonight's episode were well justified - it was the daftest yet. Having Peter Kay dressed up like something from a Tango advert just didn't work.


Looks like next weeks might be a sort of rehash of that film Paperhouse, but at least it can't be as bad as tonight's... can it?

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I have to agree....that was awful. After 20 minutes it was really getting on my nerves, and I couldn't see it going anywhere. It didn't!


It can only get better next week ~ surely it can't get any worse?

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I enjoyed it, I liked the change of story line, seeing a story told from someone else's point of view was enjoyable.

Okay, it was comedic, but, as they have said on Doctor Who Confidential, it shows the talent of the writers that they can go from a dark story line such as the Satans Pit to something that is light and fun to watch such as this weeks.

The Scooby Doo reference was very funny, with them running from door to door with a monster chasing them, I laughed out loud at that scene.

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I enjoyed it, I liked the change of story line, seeing a story told from someone else's point of view was enjoyable.

Okay, it was comedic, but, as they have said on Doctor Who Confidential, it shows the talent of the writers that they can go from a dark story line such as the Satans Pit to something that is light and fun to watch such as this weeks.

The Scooby Doo reference was very funny, with them running from door to door with a monster chasing them, I laughed out loud at that scene.


Glad I wasnt the only one who liked the episode.I actually thought it was very good - and I think RTD deserves some credit for taking a risk and doing something different.


I thought Marc Warren was excellent and, despite the obvious/clumsy attempts at humour, I actually thought the revelation at the end, where he realised the first time he'd met the doctor was the night his mother died, was surprisingly moving...

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I thought it was fun and have no complaints. I always try and remember though that it is mostly aimed at the younger age range of viewers but am amazed that it still has something for us oldies as well.

The only question though is what sort of love life does Elton have with his paving slab as it/she wouldn't let him go into details.

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