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Believe it or not I had figured out one or two possible scenario's, I just wonder though how many parents had fun and games trying to explain why Ursula didn't want Elton talking any further.

I still think the writers and program producers are doing a great job at making a program that can entertain anyone from the age of 7 to 70

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I thought the episode was quite funny, if a bit annoying.


I was a bit annoyed that the absorbaloff spoke "well" when he was in the human body, but his accent "coarsened" to a thick northern accent when he was in his "jabba-the-hutt-y-meets the slitheen-y body.


Talking of the slitheen-y body, I thought the prosthetic faces for the body of the 'loff were done extremely well, full marks on that bit to the SFX dept.


Was it only me who thought that, when Peter Kay's character came down in the lift at the beginning, the EMA advert man was going to emerge from the mist? (must have been the hat and the overcoat! lol)


I was in tucks with elton's silly dancing, and his obsession with ELO! :rolleyes:



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Actually, thinking about it, this episode would have been just the thing for a one-off special for something like Comic Relief or Children in Need, but as part of the main series it was pants.


BINGO! yes you are bang-on with that suggestion.


It raised a giggle or two with me, in parts, but it definitely wasn't up to the standard of some episodes.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I heard it was gonna be some fool from Emmerdale. :(


I do hope Billie comes back. She's a fantastic companion...


Shame he can't go back and rescue his other half from France....she was ace :love:


RE: Some fool - tell me it's the red head one with the big norks??!!


see here

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