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The new Doctor Who


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Probably same reason as why Christopher Ecclestone quit, she probably doesn't want to be typecast by sticking to the role for a long time.


Daft bint, should've thought of that in teh first place :loopy:


Or maybe she's made her mark, boosted her profile and is ready to take the next step in her career...:loopy:

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What did people think of this weeks episode though ?


Next weeks looks brilliant, it appears to feature Torchwood and the cybermen are back, yay.


Her who played chrissie watts from eastenders is in it.

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What did people think of this weeks episode though ?


Next weeks looks brilliant, it appears to feature Torchwood and the cybermen are back, yay.


Her who played chrissie watts from eastenders is in it.


Worst episode yet,tbh.Didnt really enjoy it at all.


Still, Im hopefull for this weeks ep.Tracy-Ann Oberman,mmmmmm:love: :love:

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I am STILL waiting for the final appearance of the face of bo with his secret, I hope that the writers and other crew on Dr Who don't forget this titbit of information and we are left with an unanswered question.


I truthfully cannot say that I have disliked any of this seasons episodes, but, then, I am a big sci fi fan and when I watch Dr Who I just relax, chill out and enjoy the stories, at least it's not the old plot of companion gets caught by the bad guy, companion escapes, doctor gets caught, companion gets caught and brought to the same place the doctor is, they both escape, companion gets caught yet again, doctor does more snooping, gets caught, and on and on and on, arrrrrrgh.

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I think the thing people are forgetting when they say this series isn't as good as the last one is that the Chris Ecclestone series had a fair few below-par episodes too (for example the reality TV one!). And even bad Dr Who is better than most TV. I think the last episode was actually quite X-Filesy...

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I think the problem with Dr Who in the past has for the most part been with the casting. If you look at similar American Productions Like Buffy, Angel etc the characters are believable. Unfortunately with DR Who since the Jon Pertwee era the BBC seem to mainly cast actors with hugely posh public school accents. This is all well and good if they were doing shakespeare but try to pass such people off as aliens or tough DR Who assistants just does not work.Things do seem to have improved a little in this department with the last 2 series but they still have some way to go. I stopped watching Dr Who before when that lisping Sylvester McCoy appeared and that equally rediculous and very annoying Bonnie Langford.

I thought Christopher Eccleston was perfect for the part, a bit of a ladies man a bit of a hard case and Billie Piper was a good choice too, a good looking girl with a bit of attitude. I am not so sure about David Tennant though a bit of a whimp I think and certainly not a ladies man.

I thought the episode with Peter Kaye was definately the poorest so far. How can you pass of a fat comedian with a broad northern accent as an alien. Another example of stupid casting. I think the new daleks and the new cybermen are very well produced both frightening and believable. I would give the special effects people 10 out of 10 for a job well done. Lets hope the BBC casting people do not screw it all up again. I would hate to see Rose's replacement dressed as a fairy in a pink transparent crepe tutu. What was that character from years ago nyssa or something similar.

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