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The new Doctor Who


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I think Tennant is fine. Ecclestone was great but it's good that they play the doctor differently. Tennant can be a little OTT at times, but then so were most previous doctors. I'd like Rose's replacement to be somewhat different to Rose/Billie as well. As for the Peter Kay ep - the monster the kid created that won the competition, Abzorbaloff, couldf have been really scary, but they made it really comedy - and I think that did the kid a disservice.

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I like David Tennant, he plays a wonderful Doctor; nice an eccentric...although Christopher Eccleston is and always will be "my Doctor".


I think a lot of older girls, women and/or men (not wanting to discriminate) only watch because he's handsome.

I prefer the 2005 series, as it's quite a bit darker, more mysterious and emotional that this year's, though I guess they both suit their Doctors' personalities.

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I disagree somewhat with your comments, carolyn:-


Sylvester McCoy has a scots accent, Paul McGann was Liverpudlian... Chris Eccleston had a mancunian accent, and David Tennant who weren't 'posh'. that's what? Out of *counts* Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McC , Paul Mc g, Chris Eccleston and David Tennant (another scot) *finished counting* four, out of the last seven actors who played the Doctor. Over half, not a bad proportion.



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WOW.....what an entrance..........Cybermen AND Daleks, woah, now THIS is gonna be one hell of a story line.


Even though Mickey is back, he seems to have got a backbone this time around.

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OMG....I didn't see that coming! I thought it was going to be the Face of Bo in the sphere.


This looks set to be the best double-episode of the series. Can't wait for next week's.

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That was Excellent!


I suspected daleks would have something to do with the series from that first episode with the dalek shaped hospital! And ghosts too, I worked that one out early on so I'm feeling dead chuffed now!!!


Wow...*hushed tones*...:o

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I disagree somewhat with your comments, carolyn:-


Sylvester McCoy has a scots accent, Paul McGann was Liverpudlian... Chris Eccleston had a mancunian accent, and David Tennant who weren't 'posh'. that's what? Out of *counts* Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McC , Paul Mc g, Chris Eccleston and David Tennant (another scot) *finished counting* four, out of the last seven actors who played the Doctor. Over half, not a bad proportion.




Paul McGann doesn't count though cos he didn't do a series, only the TV movie.


I once caused a near riot in the Sportsman on Quiz night with that info, the question was name all the Doctor Who's, they included Paul McGann, and I disputed it cos of the fact that he'd never been in a Dr Who series.

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Paul McGann doesn't count though cos he didn't do a series, only the TV movie.


I once caused a near riot in the Sportsman on Quiz night with that info, the question was name all the Doctor Who's, they included Paul McGann, and I disputed it cos of the fact that he'd never been in a Dr Who series.


Regardless, he is still officially the 8th doctor.

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Looks like the cybermen suggest a joining of forces in the next episode, the Dr should have his hands full, dunno how the hell he is gonna get out of this one, and I am not sure if Rose actually dies, she might be referring to, her emotions die, ya know, like when you lose someone special a part of you dies, some metaphorical mumbo jumbo like that, oh well, we shall see.

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