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The new Doctor Who


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Absolutely BRILLIANT !!!!!


Almost ended up in tears at the end, great storyline, great acting, great, well, everything.


The Daleks kicked cyberman butt though, which was a bit unfair, loved the teaser at the end with the Bride, christmas episode should be interesting.

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Well if you want my prediction, I reckon that Jackie Tyler from our world (where Pete Tyler is dead) and Pete Tyler from the parallel world (where Jackie Tyler is dead) are going to get together, and then both of them, Rose and the supremely irritating Mickey will go off and live happily ever after.


Well I was sort of right about that bit, except for the fact that Rose didn't look terribly happy about it. Maybe I should ask for a job as a scriptwriter. A good end to the series all in all, though I must say I'm sad to see Rose go - Billie Piper has outperformed all my expectations in the role. Good on yer, lass.


Just one thing though... what happened to the Tracy Ann Oberman cyberman and the others that were newly upgraded cause they wouldn't have been through the void so they wouldn't have got sucked back into it...

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Well I was sort of right about that bit, except for the fact that Rose didn't look terribly happy about it. Maybe I should ask for a job as a scriptwriter. A good end to the series all in all, though I must say I'm sad to see Rose go - Billie Piper has outperformed all my expectations in the role. Good on yer, lass.


Just one thing though... what happened to the Tracy Ann Oberman cyberman and the others that were newly upgraded cause they wouldn't have been through the void so they wouldn't have got sucked back into it...


It looked like they didn't get to upgrade that many anyway, due to the kicking off of the daleks, so maybe they were quite easily dealt with aftre the void closed up.


Wow, this was great. I can't wait til Christmas now!!!!


Did anyone else notice the similarity between the ideas in this and in His Dark Materials? The 'cutting' through into the parallel universe resulting in damage to the fabric of those universes? And then the 'stuff' surrounding those who had been between the two - like 'Dust', anyone? Hmmm...


Now what was that Genesis Ark about? Was it really time lord technology or was this 'just' referring to the capacity of the device?


Oh, and then at the end - Bad Wolf Bay! What was the Norwegian name - something with 'Dalek' in the word?

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I just watched the final episode of Doctor Who having come back from the Pub, quite simply the scariest Doctor Who episode yet, even more so than some of the old school episodes IMO... :shocked:

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Wow! It was amazing! And even though i wouldn't have minded ROse getting killed, the happier ending with her, Jackie, Mickey and Pete was sweet. What happened to Byker Grove boy, though???


And if Tracy Ann Oberman's character as a cyberman still retained some of her old personality and humanity, what does this mean for the cybermen we might see in the future....?


All in all, I think this series is equal to the last. That series seemed so amazing because Dr Who had been off air for so long, but it had its share of not-so-good eps just as this one did. And both series had their share of brilliance, too. Roll on Christmas Day, then....

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