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The new Doctor Who


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Maybe this is as good as Doctor Who can get.


I cannot get the scenes out of my mind. I realised tonight how much I will miss Rose, her mum, the family.


I got such a total buzz out of the Cyberman, Dalek stand-off.


This was such good TV!

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I got such a total buzz out of the Cyberman, Dalek stand-off.


This was such good TV!


Agreed, it was fantastic. And the Daleks & Cybermen even did their own little version of "Don't tell him Pike" from Dad's Army ;)


The farewell scene between Rose and the Doctor was really moving, much more so than I expected.

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Agreed, it was fantastic. And the Daleks & Cybermen even did their own little version of "Don't tell him Pike" from Dad's Army ;)


Yes, I found that bit so funny, too.


All in all, a great episode.


Pity about that flaming Catherine Tate turning up at the end, though. :(



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Yes it sort of ruined the whole sadness and poignancy at the end didnt it?

I feel so sad!I was in tears last night watching that episode! How could you leave Billie? I cant get those last scenes out of my head and its making me feel really down. I mean they'll never see each other again and he never even got to say that he loved her! how sad is that? It's just not gonna be the same. Ye sure there will be another assistant, but the doctor and Rose had something and you cant take that away. I've seen the new assistant and I dont like her that much.


Billie Piper has made a really big mistake going cos she was brilliant as Rose! Come back!

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I just loved the strength of the Daleks, the Cybermen coudlnt do a thing, and Billie (who I wasnt a big fan off) will be missed, she was brill in the last episode, and also the other ones, lets hope the new assistant can do a good job, she has a big task ahead....... was it me or was the Face of Bo supposed to come back and see the doctor, or maybe I missed it.

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Must admit, I really enjoyed last nights episode.Although, I think the fact the cybermen were so helpless against the Daleks was a bit pants - surely they could have put up a better fight than that?(Plus - flying Daleks?Do me a favour....)

I'm really hoping the whole ' Bad Wolf ' thing was not built up for two series JUST to give Rose and the Doctor somewhere to meet, was it?

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I want to see a Dr Who episodes where all the old Doctors who are still around meet up with David Tennant, so you could include Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy and Christopher Ecclestone, as the first 3 Doctors (William Hartnell, Pat Troughton and John Pertwee) are all dead (RIP).

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