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The new Doctor Who


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That last episode was pretty cool.


The pitched battle with the Daleks going 'Exterminate' and the Cybermen going 'Delete' was excellent fun!


I was pleasantly surprised with the episodes I've seen. I caught the 'Torchwood' episode last week as well, and enjoyed that. Sometimes I do fidn that there's still an element of 'knowingness' in the scripts which grates a little, but they've made a fine job.

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It looked like they didn't get to upgrade that many anyway, due to the kicking off of the daleks, so maybe they were quite easily dealt with aftre the void closed up.


Wow, this was great. I can't wait til Christmas now!!!!


Did anyone else notice the similarity between the ideas in this and in His Dark Materials? The 'cutting' through into the parallel universe resulting in damage to the fabric of those universes? And then the 'stuff' surrounding those who had been between the two - like 'Dust', anyone? Hmmm...


Now what was that Genesis Ark about? Was it really time lord technology or was this 'just' referring to the capacity of the device?


Oh, and then at the end - Bad Wolf Bay! What was the Norwegian name - something with 'Dalek' in the word?


Rose said [We're in Norway, about 50 miles out of Bergen. It is called Dårlig Ulv Stranden. Dårlig. It's Norwegian for "Bad". It translates to Bad Wolf Bay.] This is right. Dårlig = bad, Ulv = wolf, and Stranden = the beach.

Studying in Bergen, I would say this was an interesting end to the Doctor Who 2006 series.

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I don't think so.


It was shown again last Sunday and Friday at 8:30 on BBC 3...don't think it'll be shown again, though sometimes, the BBC repeat the series again in the autumn on the run up to the Christmas Special; however, they may not do that this time as Torchwood's due to start October-ish time...hmmm...

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If last year's series is anything to go by, this series will be probably be repeated on UKTV Gold in the not too distant future, and then, just before the next series starts, repeated on BBC3.


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