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I was waiting for Catherine Tate to do the whole "Am I bothered?" thing at some point during the episode, she didn't :(


She did look kind of cute in a Wedding frock however :love:


And no, I am not an old perve so don't start.

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I wouldn't really say plot holes.



Errrm... like where had the empress of the Rachnos been hiding for the 50 million years since she left her offspring in the middle of the Earth and why hadn't anybody spotted her... and why did they start feeding the special particle water to a temp who might have left any minute rather than a permanent employee... and why wasn't there some colossal explosion when half the contents of the Thames went down that shaft into the boiling hot core of the Earth... and so on. My overall impression was that they'd tried to cram too much in. The robot Santas for a start.

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Errrm... like where had the empress of the Rachnos been hiding for the 50 million years since she left her offspring in the middle of the Earth and why hadn't anybody spotted her... and why did they start feeding the special particle water to a temp who might have left any minute rather than a permanent employee... and why wasn't there some colossal explosion when half the contents of the Thames went down that shaft into the boiling hot core of the Earth... and so on. My overall impression was that they'd tried to cram too much in. The robot Santas for a start.


Nah - the Robot Santas were the best thing about the programme.


Other than them, I thought it was very poor - ok, my mind was slightly befuddled from eating far too much turkey and chocolates, but surely even a Dr Who episode is supposed to make SOME sort of sense? :confused:


And it's so politically correct it makes you want to barf....



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The Robot Santas reminded me too much of the Autons.


The episode didn't really grip me that much - it was good to look at in places, but the script was a bit patchy.


One thing I did like was the little 'character piece' at the end when the bride was telling the doctor that he should get someone to travel with who can actually stop him when he goes psycho; one thing I've liked about this incarnation is that there is a definite element of the 'Death Wish' about him. Sort of Mel Gibson in Lethal Weaon 1.


There's a lot that can be done with the character of the Doctor that wasn't possible in the past, but the writing still needs to be better.

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I was waiting for Catherine Tate to do the whole "Am I bothered?" thing at some point during the episode, she didn't :(


She did look kind of cute in a Wedding frock however :love:


And no, I am not an old perve so don't start.


she did seem a bit "bolshie", at times, like the "bovvered" character, I heard some of that character creeping through when she was getting irritated. (like at the very beginning when she was arguing with the Doctor)

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Errrm... like where had the empress of the Rachnos been hiding for the 50 million years since she left her offspring in the middle of the Earth and why hadn't anybody spotted her


Elsewhere in the galaxy / universe (she arrived via a space ship). Possibly one of the many unexplored areas of space. In a place as big as space it would be relatively easy to find places to hide. To quote the late, great Douglas Adams "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space."



... and why did they start feeding the special particle water to a temp who might have left any minute rather than a permanent employee...


Perhaps because she was simple, and thus easy to manipulate into doing what they wanted her to do. That's how it came across to me.


and why wasn't there some colossal explosion when half the contents of the Thames went down that shaft into the boiling hot core of the Earth...


Perhaps we didn;t wait long enough for it. After all, the center of the earth is a looooooooooooong way down. By the time the water got down there a fair time owuld have passed.....not forgetting that it would have slowly heated on the way down and would have turned to steam....which would have risen back and cooled....hmmmm. Any science / geology experts want to tackle this one.


Oh...right...theres the answer.....because it wasn't real. Yeah...that'll do nicely ;)


Aside from Catherine Tate, I kind of enjoyed the episode. She wasn't as annoying as I expected, though, and didn't trash the episode as much as Peter Kay did when he popped up (I despise that episode so much as it had so much potential until Kay started trying to do stand up half way through it!)

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Didnt really enjoy this episode found it quite mundane I really can't get into David Tennant as the Doctor he just isnt excentric enough. I would also like to see some episodes that are not on earth like in the old Doctor Who series.


I think the best Doctors were definately Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker but I did like Christopher Eccleston he had the right humour about him.

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I really like David Tennant as the Doctor he has evil streak in him that has to be explored. Christopher Ecclestone was a great doctor but they have made another great choice. Little more cash from the Beeb wouldnt go amiss either.


I do agree I would like to see more episodes outside the UK even. The one thing that ruined the xmas episode was Catherine Tate she is S**TE.


They should also think about having stories over multiple episides not just one or two.

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