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Don't forget, it was thought (by The Doctor) that all the Daleks had perished too....but then they returned.


The Doctor 'believes' that all the timelords are dead, but there may simply be one deep in hiding somewhere - and we never really know what happened to The Master after he was sucked into the Eye of Harmony all those years ago. We assumed he died, but no-one can be sure.


Is the mysterious Saxon really The Master returned?


Vote Saxon!


Indeed, the Face of Boe knows I'm sure of it :thumbsup:


Plus according to some of the Dr Who forums Ive just been on they are having the exact same debate.

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I have an idea about that. I think it is something to do with the rumour that the Dr has a son !!!!


But thats just my thought


It is very possible. I don't know how many people remember the very first series of Doctor Who (William Hartnell), when the Doctor's companion was his granddaughter, Susan. He also mentioned during the last series that he had been married, and I had just assumed that was connected to that.


If he does have a son, it wouldn't be Christopher Eccleston's Doctor who was the father, but more likely to be the eighth Doctor (Paul McGann), or even the seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy).


Maybe the John Simm character is actually the Master. The Master used up all his lives, and has to start taking over the bodies of anyone he came across at the time. John Simm has the facial features of the Master in the classic series. Also, I don't imagine the Master took part in the war that supposedly killed off the Time Lords and the Daleks. In fact, wasn't he actually interned somewhere in e-space or somewhere, so he would have been out of it anyway.


The son theory is better though, because the Doctor is currently running out of lives, and there will be a need for someone to take his place when the time comes ~ I assumed the Doctor would pass all his knowledge on to a successor that at time.

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If he does have a son, it wouldn't be Christopher Eccleston's Doctor who was the father, but more likely to be the eighth Doctor (Paul McGann), or even the seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy).


Maybe the John Simm character is actually the Master. The Master used up all his lives, and has to start taking over the bodies of anyone he came across at the time. John Simm has the facial features of the Master in the classic series. Also, I don't imagine the Master took part in the war that supposedly killed off the Time Lords and the Daleks. In fact, wasn't he actually interned somewhere in e-space or somewhere, so he would have been out of it anyway.


The son theory is better though, because the Doctor is currently running out of lives, and there will be a need for someone to take his place when the time comes ~ I assumed the Doctor would pass all his knowledge on to a successor that at time.


the christopher eccleston/ john simm thing was me joshing about them both being "mancunians!" (well JS was born in l**ds, but brought up in Manchester), as well as their prediliction for leather jackets!!! :lol: but, yes, if he has a granddaughter, then it's feasible he could have a son, too!

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the christopher eccleston/ john simm thing was me joshing about them both being "mancunians!" (well JS was born in l**ds, but brought up in Manchester), as well as their prediliction for leather jackets!!! :lol: but, yes, if he has a granddaughter, then it's feasible he could have a son, too!


The Grandaughter hasn't been seen since the Pat Troughton days though, that was donkey's years ago.

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I enjoyed it good introduction to Martha Jones now lets see what she can do. I think David Tennant is the best Doctor next to Tom Baker he has a dark streak they havent explored enough yet.

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I loved that whole mad dance the Doctor was doing to get the radiation out of his shoes, with a poster with the word "Dopamine" emblazoned along the top, on the wall behind. :D


Vote Saxon!


Haha, I forgot about that, but throwing a brand new pair of Cons in the bin, thats sacriledge :hihi:

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Haha, I forgot about that, but throwing a brand new pair of Cons in the bin, thats sacriledge :hihi:


He must have to make regular trips back to get himself a new pair every now and then ;)


I'm watching it with the commentary on now and the Doctor who had his blood sucked was called Dr B Stoker .... Bram Stoker? Nice reference.

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Just seen the first episode (after missing it last night - how could I have managed that!) and thought it was great. Certainly much better than the rather poor Christmas special. Rhinos in new rocks and Freema Agyeman (:love:) who could ask for anything more!

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Just seen the first episode (after missing it last night - how could I have managed that!) and thought it was great. Certainly much better than the rather poor Christmas special. Rhinos in new rocks and Freema Agyeman (:love:) who could ask for anything more!


Indeed all the best best footwear this season, New Rocks (I noticed that aswell :hihi: ), Cons, whats next :hihi:

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