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The new Doctor Who


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mmm that's an interesting thought Kry10. didn't think of that, I assumed that in the time-war, all but the doctor (And now the master) had been wiped out


Its a theory thats been bandied around on the Dr Who forums for the last couple of days.

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Its a theory thats been bandied around on the Dr Who forums for the last couple of days.


ah, oops, I'm afraid I don't frequent the "who" boards, so I didn't know.


I still thought "ooh, Dalek-eggs"! though when I first saw the spheres! lol

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Well, don't forget that the master created a paradox machine from the tardis, so, it could be possible for those toclafayne to actually be the timelords, or their souls, or something similar.


We will hopefully find out.

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I think the toclafane are daleks because I thought timelords were benevolent (I could be wrong) and what could be more heartbreaking than the Master siding with the creatures that destroyed the rest of his race.


I also thought John Simm was brilliant - he was obviously based on a certain Prime Minister :D

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I doubt they would be daleks, they have already done the daleks story to death, also, don't forget that the daleks are all now in null space except one that escaped.


Think about it, what would break your heart more, daleks, or, the thought that after thinking that your alone, your race coming back from the dead and being used to destroy what you love.


The timelords are benevolent, but, if you watched the story fully, the doctor mentioned how at a certain age they got taken before this portal and it made some timelords mad, hence why the master existed, they banished these timelords to somewhere, not sure where, but the master escaped.

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Not dalek eggs, they are humans, the ones sent to Utopia, hence why the master created a paradox machine, because if humans from the future travel into the past and kill their ancestors, they cannot exist in the first place, very clever.

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